Monday, February 24, 2014

Afghan Debut!

Hello dear friends!
I did not intend to take a long blog
break, but that's what happened!
I feel like I've been hibernating this winter,
but I look forward to sharing some of
the things I've been up to again!
I always get a bit overwhelmed with the
Christmas holidays and all the gifts I'm

I was looking forward to showing you this
afghan that I made Lindsey for Christmas,
even if it is almost March!
It was a joy to make, although time consuming
since it's rows are all single crochet.
The color palet was yummy and the border
color is her favorite!

I had the idea as I was working on it, that
the rows needed to be broke up with some
decoration.  I made up the flowers as
I went along.

I also didn't know what kind of border to
put on until I got to it.  I found this pattern
for the ruffled border here and I think it
accented it perfectly!

"And let the beauty of the Lord our
God be upon us,
And establish the work of our
hands for us; 
Yes, establish the work of our hands."
- Psalm 90:17
Have a great day!
Love, Twyla

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Patti said...

Oh Twyla, your afghan is so yummy! How sweet it is! I love the flowers, too!

janie said...

LOVE the afghan!! I too am from Missouri. Please to meet you.

vivian said...

Absolutely gorgeous! what a lucky girl. I love the colors and the flowers are the sweetest finishing touch.
happy day!

Scrap for Joy said...

This afghan is just gorgeous! I know how much I love mine (I'm wrapped up in it this very minute), I'm sure Lindsey is thrilled with hers. The flowers and the ruffled edge are exquisite! You are a crochet wizard!
Blessings to you today.

Theresa said...

Oh girl, I am happy to have you back:) Such a sweet gift for your daughter, that afghan is awesome but SO is mine! I have enjoyed it SO much, it is beautiful and SO comfy! Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for all of the hard work you put into it! Don't stay gone so long! Sending hugs and prayers your way!

Jean G. said...

Oh my,this afghan is just gorgeous!!!! I love the colors and the flowers,just lovely.

LBP said...

Wow! That is all I can say@ That is the most beautiful afghan I have ever seen.. Lucky Lindsey!



Meredith said...

I bet she loved it! It must have taken forever with all the sc, but you did it and it is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Wowee! That is one beautiful creation, Twyla! The colors, the pattern, flowers and ruffles! Yum!

Glad to see a post from you! ♥

Heidi Ann said...

Oh, my gosh, Twyla - thAt is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Pure perfection.

Pierelantijntjes said...

It's beautiful!
hugs Ester

~Damita's Pretty Wrap~ said...

Oh its so beautiful!! Love the cute flowers and the ruffle border! Also love the quote at the end :) Wishing you a lovely day! xo Holly

Unknown said...

Oh Twyla!!!!

This is so pretty and so you!!!! If this can't make your daughter feel like spring, nothing can! Just love it and both of you!

I missed you and I am glad you are posting again...:)

Hugs, Sandy

Unknown said... cheerful!!

Simply Shelley said...

Just beautiful my friend. Your hands are blessed. :-)

GardenOfDaisies said...

Oh Twyla, it's sooooo beautiful!! I love it and have been staring at the pictures for a while trying to figure out how you made it. I wish you lived closer so I could just pop over and have you show me how. I'm sure Lindsey loves it!! So pretty!!!!! Love your colors!!! (I think I have used up more than my quota of exclamation points in this comment. LOL!) So glad to see you posting again!!

Melinda said...

I bet she liked tbis gift a lot!

Love tbe colors.

M : )

vintage grey said...

Hi Twyla,
Oh, the afghan came out so beautifully!! I just love the flowers and edging!! Such gorgeous colors together! A sweet and special treasure for Lindsey to have from you! Have a wonderful week! xo Heather

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful! I love the colors and the edging. What a special gift!

Twyla, the place I mentioned in my post the other day is The Market Place. Their last day to be open is March 30.

Sally Annie Magundy said...

So darling Twyla! Love it!

Karen Lakis said...

Very pretty! What a special gift, and I bet Lindsey loves it! I also get the whole Bloggy break thing - mine was much longer than I intended, too.

Anonymous said...

I follow Theresa (Ganky) and have seen your gorgeous work before. This is very pretty and so special. Thanks for sharing. Mildred

Beedeebabee said...

Oh gosh... how adorable is this afghan!!! I love everything about this Twyla. Just EVERYTHING!!! xoxo

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

It's absolutely beautiful but oh my. Single crochet is my least favorite. You would think it would be simple and easy for for some reason, I have to think with doing a single crochet, whereas the double crochet seems just right. :) Best wishes, Tammy

E said...

Twyla this is gorgeous !!! E in TN