Saturday, June 1, 2013

Inspired Sunday

Is there anything as pretty as a county church?
This is White Oak Church in Sullivan County,

I'm linking with Inspired Sunday!
Check it out and see some other pretty

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and
peace as you trust in Him." - Romans 15:13
Have a beautiful Sunday!

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  1. Nice shot- this one looks like so many in my area- simple little buildings, but so charming.

  2. i love the light & shadows on the church. so fun!! was this taken during the fall ... i am just looking at the leaves on the trees & wondering?

    thank you for linking up with us. you have a great Sunday. take care. ( :

  3. What a pretty little church! I love those old churches almost as much as barns! Did you know I lived in a large, remodeled church at one time? Yup! Maybe I'll write a blog post about it some time...
    Happy Sunday, Sweet Friend.

  4. Happy Sunday! The country church is so pretty. Have a great day.


  5. Aw, makes me think of little House On The Prairie!

  6. Very quaint, would love to worship there!

  7. Pure Americana and such a lovely photo with the trees and sunlight making shadows across the church. So simple and unadorned--love it!

  8. I love the shadows playing across the front.

  9. The simpleness of a church's exterior can be deceptive. I love this one.

    Thanks for sharing it in InSPIREd Sunday. Sorry I am so late visiting.

  10. Twyla, this looks so much like our precious Church in the Madison/Holliday area. OUr CHurch was called "Oak Grove Baptist CHurch." All of our members were farmers and we had early services. Sometimes we would go eat lunch in Moberly or even Columbia if we were really adventurous. The CHurch was about an hour from our home in Hannibal, but it was so worth that lovely drive. I will try to find a picture of our Church to post on At Home Together.


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