Friday, May 31, 2013

May 31

Is there any more endearing fairytale
character than Little Red Riding Hood?
I have a soft spot in my heart for her.
Not sure why except for pleasant memories of
my grandmother reading me the story many
times, but then she also read The Three Bears
to me a lot, too!

I thought I'd share with you my collection
of Little Red figurines, salt and pepper shakers,
and planters.

Aren't they sweet?!
"He is our peace" - Ephesians 2:14
Thanks for visiting with me throughout
the month of May.  It's been a pleasure
sharing bits of my world with you.
Have a wonderful day!

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  1. What a sweet collection of "Red" figurines! I think each one is adorable. Thanks for your friendship always, Twyla.

  2. So cute! I love little red, too!

    I'm posting porch pics today! ♥

  3. I told that story to Jaxon recently,he loved it. Your collection of Red Riding Hood is nice. I think the first piece you shard is my favorite though :)

  4. cute! ive never seen anything like these before! x

  5. Very cute! My sister has one of the Little Red cookie jars. It's one of my top 5 favorite fairy tales.

  6. Oh, oh, oh! I love these little darlings. My grandma made me a cute red coat and hat - but, not a cape. My kinderkids just love Goldilocks and the 3 Bears!

  7. These are all so darling. I love to look at each one and see the amazing details...all probably hand painted! Enjoy your weekend my friend!

  8. Such a sweet Little Red collection!! Happy weekend to you! xo Heather

  9. What a sweet little collection! Hope you have a lovely weekend! xo Holly


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