Monday, June 3, 2013

Barn Charm

This week I'm showing another barn from
Missouri Town 1855.  A park that features old
buildings and the way of life in the 1800's. 
I love that they have animals in the 'town'.
There are workers there all the time, but to experience
it to the fullest with demonstrations and lots of
interaction, check the events calendar.  The day
we were there was pretty much a self guided tour.

There are many such log homes.
A real treat if you love history and the
way of life in times long past.
Be sure to visit Bluff Area Daily for
more Barn Charm!

"This is the day that the Lord has made;
Let us rejoice and be glad in it." - Psalm 118:24
Have a wonderful day!

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  1. I would love to visit here! Old barns and buildings are such fun. Great shots!

  2. I can only imagine what a restful and peaceful place this would be to visit. What a sweet face on that horse! Honestly, I think I'd live in a barn in a heartbeat!

  3. This looks like a really fun place to visit. I love the log cabin in the last photo, too!

  4. Love those barns! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  5. i really enjoy that log cabin. what a great place. ( :

  6. Hi fellow Missouri barn charmer. What a great one.

  7. What a lovely place to visit! Love all the charm! :) Have a great week! xo Holly

  8. These are charming barns! I really must stop by and visit this place when we are in that area again. Have a wonderful day!

  9. Love it!! What a great little red barn! Thanks for sharing it with us fellow barn lovers. Stopping by from Barn Charm today.

  10. A sweet barn, and love the log cabin!! Thanks for sharing!! xo Heather

  11. Thanks for showing this barn. We are going to KC for the weekend and now we are going to stop here! Nice break from the Oklahoma weather, I hope!

  12. I really would enjoy seeing real life.

  13. Beautiful barn and cabin! We've visited several places like this one and it really gives you a feel for how life used to be down on the farm.

  14. thanks 4 sharing these wonderful photos. What a great place this would be to visit.
    Loving these pictures of old buildings.

  15. I always wanted a pink house and seeing this barn gives me hope. I'm a little curious about the color of the roof and the materials used on it. I would like to know so I have an idea on what to use when I finally build my own barn house. Anyway, I didn't know that there's a park that showcase old buildings such as these two. I'm sure you felt like it was 1855 when you were there. > > Joann Winton @

  16. The old buildings are the ones that are worth preserving. It’s nice that they try to maintain the original materials of the barns and houses in the ‘town’. Would love to visit this one of these days to get a closer look.

    Affordable Roofing Systems

  17. Such beautiful barns. Hopefully with the right rooftop treatment, it would last so that future generations can still see them and visit them instead of just looking at pictures in the web.

    Kathrine @ Homecraft


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