Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Hello friends!
Recently my heart has been captured by these sweet little Pierrots!
I was searching on the net about the history of Pierrots and the more I read the more I became intrigued by them.
Their deco style and recurrent
misfortune is endearing to me.
So, when my Mom and Brother came home the next day from antiquing, my brother brought me a present!
This sweet little trio!

Aren't they too cute?
When researching Pierrots I had quite a time figuring out the correct pronounciation.
I wanted to be sure I had it correct, so I went online and happened across this free online talking dictionary site! It's so cool! If there is ever a word you are unsure of, type it in and find out!

Wishing you a lovely day, Lindsey


  1. What a darling grouping I love them~ Hugs, Diane

  2. These are darling little treasures!

  3. Hay,

    What a a lovely blog is this.
    And I like to follow your blog.
    Please take a look into my world.


  4. I have some too:) I had no idea what they were called! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  5. These guys are really cute. I have always like clowns.

  6. What a sweet gift. These little guys are cute, and don't have the totally tragic look associated with their name. (I have needed to use that pronunciation dictionary on numerous occasions.)

  7. Lucky you! Such a thoughful gift and they're adorable!


  8. They are so cute. I have enjoyed reading some of your previous post. I enjoyed Twyla's cup collection. You have some in your collection that brought back some wonderful memories. Have a wonderful day and stay cool. It is so hot here. Take care. Your Missouri Friend.


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