Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello sweet ladies!
I hope you are all managing to
stay cool.  It is definitely indoor
weather!  I've huffed and puffed,
but haven't blown any houses down.
Every day is near 100 degrees.

Today I wanted to share with you my cup

I love these old cups!
I usually collect the ones that have pink
or blue on them.

Over the weekend we shared our
craft room in the Where Women Create blog
I like to decorate creatively, too!

I love collecting old sewing machine drawers.
They are perfect for displaying my small

This display just makes me happy.

Remember the giant granny square challenge I
told you about last Tuesday?
I finished it!

It was just so much fun I couldn't stop!
Every time I sat down I picked it up and worked
on it. 

I finished off the edges in a multicolor
picot edging just for fun!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Have a wonderful week!


  1. Love your little collection of cups, but me oh my, that giant granny square is fabulous! I can't believe you finished! Why does the granny square give me such a fit? The increasing is what confuses me and things don't turn out quite right. I gotta give it another go. Have a terrific Tuesday, Tammy

  2. Love your collection of cups AND the way you have them displayed! Your granny square expansion is gorgeous!

    Enjoy your day my friend, HUGS!

  3. Love all your cups & the afghan is devine!! Won't be long before we will be thinking about needing them. But until them Thank Goodness for AIR CONDITIONING! ! !
    Have a Great Day!

  4. Your crocheted granny square is beautiful! And the cups are very pretty with all of their soft colors! Enjoy your day and try to stay inside and cool! ♥

  5. You have a wonderful cup collection, Twyla! And all your pics on the wall are great,too. Those drawers make such great diplay cases. I don't think I ever see those when I go to the antique mall but maybe I just don't notice them. I tend to suffer from sensory overload when I go!

    Your afghan turned out wonderful! Love the multi color edge! ♥

  6. Hi Twyla. :) Your teacup collection is beautiful and so old fashioned. Reminds me of a pretty tearoom or bed and breakfast.

    The quilt is beautiful!

  7. I am SO glad you showed these again - I just love your cup collection! If you posted them every day, I wouldn't complain, lol!

  8. Very sweet collection you have!
    I know you love to knit!!!
    Keep Cool..it's going to be H&H today and tomorrow they say 100 and that doesn't include the heat index!
    Deb :)

  9. Enjoyed your post very much...so many beautiful cups...and you have them all displayed so wonderfully. Love how your granny square turned out and there's that cute little edging I like so...haven't tried it yet :)but,planned too soon...blessings dear Twyla.

  10. I meant to mention..I have those same cute little bluebirds with the rhinestone eyes.

  11. I love your cup collection, and all of the other things that you display amongst them!
    Very hot here too. And dry. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can't wait for Fall!

  12. that hot out! Wow, I will take some of that heat off your hands, we could use it here in Germany where cold overcast gray days have been the daily menu for much too long. Where did summer go? As for the items, one sweeter and cuter then the other, and all in my favorite pastel shades of ivory, pink and blues. Sooo pretty. I enjoyed seeing every one. Enjoy the summer inspite of the heat, better that then the 60° I have! :-) ~Debby

  13. Cute! Cute! Just way too cute! Love all your pretties - they make me happy, too. Such a sense of femininity and innocence. I have always felt that decorating my house was like a painter painting a canvas. Am changing out a lot just now. Hope to post something in a couple of weeks with my new decor digs!

  14. What a pretty collection. I really like how you display them. And I like the afgan. I made one similar about 25 years ago. Everything comes around again, doesn't it?

  15. Your cups are such a beautiful collection.. But I have to say I love you crochet afghan. I am right in the middle of crocheting one myself.. But I am doing little granny squares.. I just love the granny squares they are pretty easy to crochet.. Thanks so much for following my blog..

    Hugs, Linda

  16. Your giant granny is soooo nice. How many rows did you crochet? The edging with the variegated yarn loosk very nice, because the colours match perfectly.

  17. Cup collections is fabulous and superb. I really impressed with your two cute dogs cup. Your arrangement is very perfect and there are no any single mistakes for your arrangements.

  18. Your granny square blanket is beautiful! What a great idea for using up a variety of yarn colors. Blessings, ~Lisa

  19. What beautiful collections of cups you have. And the way you display them, perfect!Thank you both, for nice tour.
    Glad I stopped by.


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