Friday, July 22, 2011

Wizard of Oz Magic

From the desk of Lindsey
we have two ATC's (Artist Trading Card) dedicated to
the Wizard of Oz.

We wish to inspire you to join us
in another ATC Blog Hop.
The theme is Wizard of Oz and in
honor of the movie debut, we will
have it Aug. 19th.

We hope you will decide to join
the fun.  Just share your ATC and link to
our blog Aug. 19th.

Feel free to use this button on your sidebar.

Have a fun Friday!


  1. It is such fun to see all the creations from all you crafty gals.
    Happy PS weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  2. I always love what you post, I hope you are having a wonderful summer. Big Hugs, Mary


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