Thursday, August 5, 2010

Twyla on Thursday?

No, this isn't me crying over the heat, although I have felt like this!
  Normally, I love summer, but the heat is trying my patience this year.
I am happy that I am able to be with you today.  It was so frustrating not
being able to do my normal Tuesday post!  I missed you all terribly!

One of my favorite things is to show you some of my cute finds.
The two kitty planters above and below were both found last week and once again,
too cute to pass up!

You can't tell from this picture, but this little jar is tiny!  It was so adorable
I squealed when I found it!  Imagine my delight when I turned over the price
tag, $1.50 and that was at an antique store!

I wanted to show you one of the things I got for my birthday.
This is an Enid Collins purse that my son bought me.  I kept calling it my
'Coach purse'.  I now have three of these purses so now I have a 'real' collection of
them.  They are great to store other small collectibles in or my embroidery floss.
Enid Collins purses were manufactured in Texas from 1959 until 1970.  There were two types, the wooden
and a canvas bucket style.  They were whimsical, fun purses.

This is a beautiful old lithograph that I discovered this past week also.  It is called Spring.
I love these old prints so much.  I just love the colors and peaceful beauty of this one.

As I've said, it's so nice to be able to visit with you again.
Have a cool day and make it wonderful!


  1. You have some really nice finds there. I love the purse with the coach. It is really unusual. It looks like the sort of thing people would collect.
    Hope you have a good day.

  2. We use to get one of her purses for Christmas from the time I was in 7th grade thru 10th grade. My dad's company did the advertising for her in Dallas.I have none of those left..My mom got rid of them..she thought they were tacky.

    They would be great for holding those

    The I couldn't leave them either.

    Hugs..Cindy Rick-Rack and Gingham

  3. Hi Twlya,
    It's nice to hear from you no matter what day it is.
    I agree with you on this heat. I think I'm ready for some cooler weather and lower humidity would be nice too.
    Your treasures are all so cute. You have a knack for finding the sweetest things.

  4. Love your great finds Twyla and it is way too hot here too! I am tired of Summer this year and ready for some cooler weather!

    Cute purse, I had to giggle at the Coach part:) Love the painting, she looks cooler than us!

    Enjoy your day my friend! HUGS!

  5. Hey girl it's hot here too! I think my pot plants are just going to die. I don't want to go out and water them.

    You always find great things! I think I remember my mom carrying one of those purses. Have to ask her. :)

  6. Hi Twyla:
    Your little kitty planters are so sweet! Thanks for sharing them. Try to stay cool - and enjoy the day today, my friend.

  7. Just love the Kitty Planters!!

  8. Oh that kitty is crying because he wants to be picked up! Love his little yellow bunny.

    Glad your post was finally able to load! ♥

  9. I love the precious kittens! Wonderful FUN finds! ♥

  10. Such beautiful treasures. Thanks for sharing them with us. Great "coach" purse!

    Stay cool and enjoy your day.


  11. Love all your finds but,that first picture is my cute...blessings

  12. I just love all of your treasures! Three purses definitely qualifies as a collection and can a girl have too many collections??
    Thank you so much for your advice about my window. I might do a combination of things - I'm still pondering!
    I can't wait for pumpkin weather!!

  13. OH MY!! What great finds! I love the kitties! They are wonderful!
    Hugs, Lisa

  14. Okay, move over kitty cats....I opened a box yesterday from my friend Shelley and she had sent me similar ones with cub favorite thing in the whole box! Oh yes, and vintage color books and crayons. Glad you are panic, I think all of us are stuck to you like glue!

  15. Those kitties are cuuuttee! :) I love old planters, I think I want a whole wall of vintage cute planters. ;) teeeheee!

    ps- I have a little blog giveaway right now. Stop by and say hi! :)

  16. That little kitty yawning is just too adorable!

    Very unique purse too. I love learning about new things I've never seen before!


  17. Those kitties are just too darn cute and the lithograph too is so beautiful. You have the heat and we have the cool and rain. My gosh it has not rained this much in the 9 years I've been in Alaska. It's reached 60 a couple times so far is all. Come up and stay in my fairy cottage if you girls want to cool off !!

  18. Those little kitties are adorable and what a buy! My Pink Saturday post has kitties in it too. Hope you get the chance to come by for a visit.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  19. I never tire of seeing all of your wonderful gifts and finds, Twyla! We have such similar taste, I just love all your stuff!

  20. Twyla, I'm so sorry you're hot! We had humidity and heat and smoke haze from over 400 wildfires in BC's interior the past 3 days. Ugh. Not my cup of tea. But beautiful blogs make me forget it just a little. Stay cool!

  21. "Coach purse"...ha! I love it! :) Hey, I think it was your blog that inspired me to start baby gift planters---the ones you get from the flower store for someone who's just delivered. Anyway, I'm wondering how you display these kitty planters and others like them? I'm amassing quite a collection and would like some creative ideas for display options.

    Have a great day!


  22. Check that: should have said "that inspired me to start COLLECTING baby gift planters" !!!


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