Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lindsey's Exciting News!!

Hello Friends!
Today I have exciting news to share!!!
I am going to be October Afternoon's Guest Designer for September!!!!!!
Yippee!! October Afternoon is one of my favorite scrapbook companies! Their soft vintage style is so perfectly me!
Just look at this photo below from their new Modern Homemaker line!

When I was at CHA, I couldn't wait to get to their booth! And let me tell you, it was magical! Oh, how happy looking at paper can make me!  : )
I loved their displays, especially this big modern homemaker!

On our second day at the show, my boss wanted to show the wonderful people from October Afternoon one of my mini books and they asked me if I wanted to be a Guest Designer. I could hardly believe it! Most of the photos I took after that were blurry, because I was shaking so much with nervous excitement!
Being a Guest Designer means that I will make several projects using their lovely new paper and they will share them on their blog throughout the month of September and also a questionaire filled out by me on their blog

I am in love with the Modern Homemaker paper line! I knew when I saw the sneak peeks, that Modern Homemaker would be my favorite collection from the show!
I loved looking at these samples created by their design team.

Another great new release is by October Afternoon is Seaside. I'm not really the beach type, but this paper is too cute and so much fun to work with!

Campfire is another sweet new release from October Afternoon!

I love my October Afternoon paper so much that I do find myself wanting to hoard it and save it! Here is a photo I took of several of my favorite October Afternoon collections!

I am hard at work right now, creating projects to share for the month of September on the October Afternoon blog! Please stop by their blog and visit during the month of September to see my work on their blog!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend, Lindsey


  1. I'm so happy for you!! That is very exciting. Their papers are fabulous. I'm going right to their blog and start watching for your work!

  2. That's wonderful! Congratulations!
    and have fun!!!

  3. Congratulations! what a lovely surprise. Enjoy!!

  4. Congratulations! Sounds like your creative and beautiful work is being recognized and rewarded!

    Enjoy your day my friend! HUGS!

  5. I am SO excited for you Lindsey!! Congratulations! You are talented and creative and very deserving of this!

  6. Congrats my talented friend! I'm sooo happy for you, Lindsey! Your work is fabulous so I'm not surprised you were chosen!

    Blessings and Happy Pink Saturday~


  7. Congratulations! Lindsey I think it's so neat that you are able to make a living doing what you are so passionate about. That's a great way to live. :)

  8. Congrats AGAIN Miss designer! :) You must have felt so tickled when your boss wanted to show you off! Wish I could give you a big hug! I can't wait to see what you create. I'll be watching their blog. ♥

  9. What exciting news! So happy for you!


  10. Hi Lindsey..CONGRATULATIONS!! How exciting to be chosen by them...I'll definitely check out their blog and come September I'll go there and see your work. No wonder you took shaky pictures after being asked to create for them LOL! Thanks for your kind words about our barn's hard to work in the garden as it's next to the rubble but we'll have it cleaned up soon I hope. At least we have the old corncrib which we'll restore one day. Have a wonderful weekend and have fun creating! Maura :)

  11. Congratulations, Lindsey! I'm not surprised in the least. You're one talented lady with paper and ephemera. I can't wait to see what you create for October Afternoon. (A great time of year, by the way!) ;-)

  12. How exciting! Congratulations....what a wonderful opportunity. I will look forward to seeing what you create! Of course it will be awesome!!!
    Margaret B

  13. Congratulations! How exciting! I too love their paper especially the new lines coming out. I am looking forward to seeing your creations. Have a great weekend, Nan

  14. Yea for you!!! That is so exciting! Can't wait to see what you create!

  15. Yea for you!!! That is so exciting! Can't wait to see what you create!

  16. How exciting! Congratulations!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  17. Lindsey!!!! Oh my gosh! I cannot wait to see what you come up with! You are in the big leauges now sweetie!!!!! I have been waiting patiently for them to show us this line!!!! I need to have it!!!!!! LOL Maybe some tutorials for us beginners????? Congratulations! I am sure Mom is beside herself! Sandy

  18. Hi Lyndsey,
    Congratulations! You deserve your opportunity. You are one talented Lady. I am sure you will have a great time,
    well done to you,
    Make the most of the opportunity!
    Hugs Suex
    P.S. Please tell mom I'll be writing very soon! Sorry as well. thanksx

  19. Absolutely THRILLED for you! Couldn't happen to a nicer or more talented person!

  20. Congrats Lindsey!
    Your talent is sooo evident. You'll wow em!

  21. I can understand your excitement. Congratulations to this great possibility.

    It seems to be perfect for you - have fun.

    Hugs and greetings from Bavaria

  22. Hi Lindsey,

    What an awesome accomplishment for you. After seeing the book in your past post, it's obvious why they picked you. So talented! Congratulations.


  23. How wonderful, can't wait to see it all. So happy for you, how exciting!!!!!!!! Love the papers too.

  24. Oh Lindsey

    How very exciting for you. Congrats and yes, I'll over to visit!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with!


  25. Love the paper and congratulations!! You are such a talented young lady!!!

  26. Congratulations! that's so exciting!!!

    Sandy XOX

  27. Oh how exciting!!! Congrats!! I am sure you will do awesome!!
    I am also so VERY sorry to hear about Murphy. My heart just hurts for you!

  28. That is quite an honor, Lindsey. They are one of my very favorite paper lines. I will look to see your work!


  29. YES, YES, AND YES! This is the best news ever! I can't wait for your projects Lindsey. I am going to put your link with my OA button. Congratulations again! E

  30. Congratulations Lindsey! They were wise to chose you to be a guest designer and I'm sure more good things will come of this opportunity. You have a wonderful creative style and teaching talent (I can tell by your tutorials) so there may be even more exciting news in the future. I myself am an OA hoarder...sometimes I just can't cut into their paper...I just gaze at it! Can't wait to see what you come up with.
    Bravo to you!

  31. CONGRATS dear Lindsey, so looking forward to seeing your work, I miss you here in Springfield SO much! No one is more deserving!

  32. Congrats, Lindsey; how very exciting. You must post a link in Sept as I'll for sure forget by then to go and check out your work. That's just so cool! I'm so happy for you.

  33. Hi girls!
    I just love October Afternoon papers - my absolute favorite! How very, very cool that you will design for them! Wow!
    Love the potholders, too!

    Hugs, Patti

  34. Oooh! How fun! October Afternoon papers are darling, just like you :) I am off to check out their blog - can't wait to see your work!



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