Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The little post that almost wasn't. Sunday morning our computer died. I was terrified of being seperated from all my friends and favorite blogs. A terrible feeling. It was an agonizing day of trying to get it to work. Nothing to look forward to Monday morning when I awoke. It is my custom to turn on the computer first thing in the morning and enjoy visiting some of my favorite people.

My husband, after working all night, stopped on his way home from work and bought a refurbished tower, after Lindsey hooked it up and some time spent on the phone with tech support, we are now connected with the world again. It is a desolute feeling not being able to reach out to you all.

Before I knew about blogs, I used to enjoy looking at other women's creative work on ebay. It was the only way I knew how. One of my favorite searches was paper piecing. The one name that I revered above all others was a talented artist named Queen of Nostalgia. After I discovered the blog world, I was thrilled to death to learn that she had a blog!

I was the very fortunate winner of a give away that she had last week. Aren't these little houses and a tree she made beautiful?!

I am so proud of them. She has an etsy shop where she sells her awesome paper pieced items for scrapbooking.

Thank you Queen of Nostalgia!

I don't mind telling you that this little dog has me wrapped around his little paw.

He is precious in every way.

As the heat of the summer has hit with a vengence, I am not inclined to go outside and walk! Yes, for all my Big talk, I am still a wienie. I have come up with a plan, a path around my house that is very comfortable and at the same time I am getting in just as much walking, if not more, than I did outside! Our floor plan allows for an easy route around the living room, through the kitchen, into the family room and out through the sunroom, bringing me back to the living room. I have walked 91 miles now. I hope Deb is planning the menu for when I arrive!

I am wishing you all a beautiful week! Twyla


Chanda said...

Congrats to you on the win and so glad you have yuor computer working again. I too, am with out a computer sometimes and hubby and I share a laptop and he trtavels so much and sometimes he needs it for work and sometimes they send him to such nboring desolete pplaces that I feel sorry for him and make him take it to keep him company.

Love to the cute poochie, I understand.

Christy said...

Your dog is soo adorable, he's like a fluffy softie!

Glad your computer prob got sorted. Have a great day!

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

So pleased to hear your computer is on the mend... whenever I loose internet connection at home even if briefly I'm filled with panic!

Victoria xxx

Unknown said...

Glad you were able to connect with blogland again. I know it's a terrible feeling thinking that it's not available. LOL! Is that a sign that we're addicted???

Your paper piercing winnings are absolutely darling! Congratulations! I can't think of a more deserving winner!

Your doggy is very cute.

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Twyla! ♥

"Checking mail" has been a part of my morning routine since the early 90s so when my Internet is down, it's WEIRD!

Well I've never heard the term "Paper piercing". I'll have to check that out!

I wish I could run my fingers through your puppy's fur! It looks so soft!

I know what you mean about walking these days. I have to walk really early and can only do one lap. It's just too warm and humid. I can swim just fine though... I guess the lower body temp has something to do with it.

Hope you have a lovely day!

queen-of-nostalgia said...

Twyla, you are making me blush :) I am so glad you were my winner! You are one of the sweetest ladies out there :)

Your puppy is tooooo cute! We have a new little kitten (the "old" cat isn't quite pleased about this fuzzy new development) and he is fluffy and white too!

Have a great day!

queen-of-nostalgia said...

Oh, and hey! I left a little something for you on my blog... check it out! :)

Heidi Ann said...

Hi Twyla! I can surely relate to the feeling of being without your computer! I'd be lost, I swear I would.
Funny that you should post that little Mary Engelbreit print. I loved that particular picture and quote so much that I kept that page from my old daily desk calendar and framed it! ( you know how I am about framing things!) I am very happy that your computer is in working order!

Unknown said...

Twyla, You are so funny! I can just picture you walking like a "mall walker" through your house. Look out for that coffee table! SOOO glad your computer is up and running! Have a lovely week! Elizaabeth

Stacey said...

Hi Twyla. I'm glad your computer problem was solved quickly. Mine will be fixed eventually but for now I'm still posting from Spencer's lap top. The paper art pieces you won are adorable!!


Hi Twyla,
91 miles under your belt...hummmm..I'd better get the guest room ready!! Need to get the new door up.
Cute photo of your little guy!
Fun little giveaway you won!
Deb :)

Simply Shelley said...

Hi,I really love coming here to your blog. I have been catching up tonight because I haven't been by in a few. I think your little dog is so sweet,and all the flea market finds are wonderful! I would love to see more of your plastic toy collection.The bunny is very cute. I am much like you in the morning,after my prayer time I always turn on the P.C. and visit my favorite blogspots while having my cuppa....
This blogging thing has been a huge blessing to my life in many ways...


Anonymous said...

Hi Ladies! Congrats on the win those houses are so cute and I love the tree...I also love sleeping puppy, what a sweetheart!..I don't know what I would do if my computer decided to have issues.....ugh! have a great day! hugs, Jennifer

Anonymous said...

Don't you love winning cute things?And I love your puppy - I am an animal lover myself.Glad you have a computer again - how frustating!
Blessings, Sarita

Anonymous said...

I missed you yesterday! :( :(

KatCollects said...

Congratulations on your walking, you are doing so great! And I adore your puppy, so so sweet.
Big hugs,

Lindsay-ann said...

I am so glad you got your computer fixed. How frustrating!
I love the pierced paper cute little houses. Congratulations on winning the giveaway. Good to hear you are still walking and have an alternative route for the hot weather.

Sherry said...

Isn't funny how a few years ago computers were no big deal and now we depend on them for so much..... friendships, shopping, inspiration, etc..... I'm glad you are reconnected!!!
