Tuesday, May 19, 2009

No matter what I'm doing or what's going on in my life, the one thing that is always the same is that I am knitting or crocheting something.

I just can't stand to sit down and not do anything, so my yarn is always close by so that I can knit a few rows. One of the most satisfying projects for me is dishcloths.

They make up so quickly and they are cheerful to look at, especially in my pink granite washtub. The dishcloths are knit, but I decided to add a crochet edge on them just to liven them up with a contrasting color.

I have made different patterns that are fancier, but the truth is, this pattern is the best. It's called Grandma's Favorite and I can see why. For cleaning they simply work the best. The truth is I've made about twice this many, but Lindsey comes by and says, "Ooh, I like this one" and off it goes.

I found this pattern for a hexigon patterned afghan on Shabby Roses Cottage. She showed these beautifully colored hexigons and of course, Lindsey wanted me to make her one. I changed the colors just a little. Lindsey's is red, pink and light turquoise.

Only a few more to sew on. I'm going to crochet another row of red around it and add tassels to each corner and then it will be done.

This is one of my crocheted hot pads. They are double thick and look pretty hanging in the kitchen. I love working with cotton yarn and can't resist it when I go to craft stores.

I haven't shown a picture of my babies lately. They are so cute. It is hard to catch them being still long enough to get a picture. They follow me everywhere I go so when I get up to get the camera, there goes the cute pose. They always think maybe Mama is going to get them some food.

That is Spencer on the left and Muffin on the right. Muffin's nickname is Doodles.

Wishing you much happiness! Twyla


Christy said...

I wish i could knit or crochet! Your creations are very pretty!

What a nice surprise to see the sweet doggies at the bottom. So cute!:D

Faye said...

Great work girls!I love your dogs.Hope you all have a great day! Blessings, Faye

Anonymous said...

i love your knitted and crocheted patterns! If only I knew how to do that!

Rose XXX

Unknown said...

You have been busy crocheting some cute goodies!

Your dogs look very intrigued by the camera, LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

Yours dish cloths are so pretty and happy looking! I have a crotched dish cloth that my pen friend Katie made me. They sure do catch the crumbs and they last so long!

That afghan is going to be so pretty! I hope you show a pic of the edges and corners when you're done.

That's funny that you can hardly get your puppies to hold still! Well, at least they let you take their pic! Our Lexi turns away, because she's afraid of the camera!

Have a great day, Twyla! Micah and I are meeting friends at the park after school so I won't be around. ♥

Carol said...

That's it. I have GOT to learn to crochet! I just "relearned" how to knit several months ago, and I've always wanted to make an afghan. Yours turned out gorgeous!
Oh, and your babies are adorable!

Stacey said...

Your crocheting is gorgeous! Your dogs are cute. :)

Becca said...

I love your dishcloths. I have been crocheting them for years, maybe now is the time to knit a few. Thanks for the inspiration.

Heidi Ann said...

The puppers are adorable - and all of your knitted and crocheted items are lovely. I especially like the colors in Lindsey's afghan and your hot pad!

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Twyla
I always enjoy seeing your lovely crocheting. Lindseys afghan is beautiful. I love the colors.
Your dogs are so sweet. Thanks for sharing pictures of them.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Your sweet poodles are precious! How cute they look! I need make more washcloths! I love these!

Jessica Rodarte said...

I love those crochet dish cloths. My mom loves to crochet, and she's been talking about making these for a while. I'm going to show her your post to get her excited about it again. ;)

KatCollects said...

Awwww I love the sweet picture of Spencer and Muffin. I love the dish clothes and happy that I am the proud owner of some : ) I hope you have a good week.

Anonymous said...

Your dishcloths are so pretty. I love your choice of colors. The doggies are so cute - I know how animals can be a big part of the family.And that afghan is just too cute!
Blessings, Sarita

Protector of Vintage said...

Are any of the dishcloths with the crochet trim for sale? They are lovely.

Happy@Home said...

Such talent you have, Twyla. All of your creations are beautiful. I think that I would have a hard time using those pretty dishcloths to wash dishes with.

Unknown said...

Hi Twyla, Oh I hate when I am busy and miss checking in daily. I miss so much! It is amazing to me how quickly you crochet! I am struggling to keep my self on a schedule to complete my afghan. My goal is NO LATER THAN AUGUST so that I can begin a quilt - now there's a terrifying thought! Your beautiful afghan is inspiration to hang in there! E


Hi Twyla,
Pretty dish clothes and hot pads and mushrooms!!
Your babies sure look like twins!
I was having a hard time getting the on the internet tonight...nothing would happen and now it's time for bed... UGH!!!

P.S. I should say HOT...

Sherry said...

I love the colors and the pattern for Lindsey's afghan!! Very pretty!! I am always crocheting something too. I never leave home without my bag........you never know, the car might stall, a traffic jam, etc........it's always great to have something to work on.

Have a wonderful day!