Thursday, October 25, 2012

Awesome Vintage Card Find!

Hello friends!
I want to start off this post by saying a big hello to the sweet lady from Alaska that came by to see me last Friday afternoon at work. Unfortunately I wasn't there at the time and I am so sad that I did not get to meet this blog reader in person.
So I just want to say, Hello and thank you for reading our blog, thinking of us and stopping by Scrapbook Generation!
I hope the opportunity to meet comes up again someday!!

One of my favorite customers came in early this week. I always enjoy talking to her and seeing which paper lines she picks. As I was checking her out, she told me that she was at a local flea market the other day and saw several scrapbooks full of vintage cards, and thought of me.

So naturally that was all I could think of for the rest of my day! How and when could I get there? What time did they close? What time would they open the next day? It's not one of my frequent stops as it is a very messy, junky shop.

So, on my way home, I made a mad dash to get there with only a few minutes left before closing. I was so thrilled when I spotted them in the first booth!! Ha! I thought I was going to have to do some crazy fast searching with the employees trying to force me out the door!!

I got 4 books full of vintage cards. Most of them are Christmas, and they all seem to be from the mid 1950's.

I'm so excited!
 I haven't had time to go through them all and take them out of the crumbling, musty, old books. I look forward to sharing some of my sweet card finds with you here!

Well, that was my excitement this week!!!

Have a lovely day, Lindsey

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  1. Oh I wonder who that was from Alaska that went to visit you and where she lives here?
    I have a large album similar to one of yours. So you are taking out the cards then. I left mine in I really didn't know how to handle them. I need to go back and take another look see.

  2. Phooey! A missed opportunity to meet a fellow blogger. But how nice of your most favorite customer to direct you to that collection of cards. Great find. Have a wonderful day. Tammy

  3. Oh I bet it was fun to turn page after page! ♥

  4. WOW, what a find! I know you will enjoy those cards for a LONG time:) Have a blessed day dear friend HUGS!

  5. Aren't those old books of cards the greatest finds? I have two of them and I love looking through them and using copies of the cards in my craft projects! Good score!



  6. Those scrapbooks look familiar! What a great find for you!!!

  7. Oh Lindsey, what a wonderful find!! A whole scrapbook of vintage cards! I can't wait to see all the wonderful things you will be able to make with those.

  8. Good for you! They do look like from the 50s. I have collected vintage cards and then I inherited my husband's grandmother's cards she had saved almost all of her 95 years. The family would have thrown them away, but her daughter knew I liked vintage anything. I still get out them out (some in their original box) and have the best time looking at them.

  9. how cool! i know that feeling of "how fast can i get there?!" glad you made it and were able to purchase the cards!

    wishing you a treat-filled halloween



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