Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Twyla on Tuesday - Treasure Hunting

We all like treasure hunting, don't we?
I recently had the pleasure of seeing one of the
greatest treasure hunts of our state!
Who wouldn't want to find these?!
Beautiful ironstone!

In 1856 the steamboat Arabia sank in the Missouri river
near Parkville, MO.  It quickly sank into the mud and
fortunately everyone survived except for one mule who
was tied to the boat. 

In 1988 a team of Missouri treasure seekers located and
successfully rescued the cargo that lay below.
They spent months digging the muddy items from their grave
and set about cleaning and restoring these treasures.

They opened a museum in Kansas City to share this monumental
treasure hunt with others.  I enjoyed this experience very much
and so appreciate the hard work that is still ongoing today as
they continue to clean and preserve these bits of history.

I was thrilled to see the anchor of the Arabia!  They have other
parts of the boat that was able to be salvaged and preserved.
The room set up below, shows what life was like during the
time the Arabia sank.
  I enjoyed this so much, but then I love

Thank you so much for stopping by today for a visit!
Have a most wonderful week!
Love, Twyla

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  1. The Steamboat Arabia museum really is an interesting place to visit. So amazing that everything survived all those years buried in the mud.

  2. What a neat place to visit!! Such neat cargo!! xo Heather

  3. That is one of my favourite museums ever.

  4. Looks like you had a fun exploration day! ♥

  5. Great collection! I would like to visit this museum! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  6. I think it's so great that you are exploring your state! Maybe I should be doing that!
    Fun to see you in a photo...hey is that your dining room?! LOL!! Just kidding!

  7. That certainly would have been interesting to see. Amazing how those items can survive in the river for so long. Have a great rest of the week. Tammy

  8. Thanks so much for sharing these photos from the museum. Every time I visit my family we intend to make it for a tour of the museum. Visits are way to short! Glad you enjoyed it!


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