Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hello Halloween

Hello friends!
With Halloween coming up in a few days I thought I would share this cute old poem I found in a vintage book of mine.

Hello, there, Halloween, hello!
Welcome, howdy - do!
I've been getting ready
To have some fun with you.

I've carved a Jack - o - lantern
And put a candle in it,
And I can have it gleaming
In far less than a minute.

I have a bag of yellow corn
To throw about the place
And just you wait until you see
My costume and my face!

- Alice Crowell Hoffman

Have a lovely day, Lindsey

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  1. Twyla,
    Thanks for sharing the Halloween poem and pic, they're so cute!

    Thank you too, for stopping by my blog and telling me what you do with your long winter evenings. I enjoying crochet too but never seem to have much of an outlet for what I make. (Most of the women in my family crochets.)

    I'm toying with the idea of opening up an Etsy shop for some of my sewing/craft/soapmaking products. It's just in the dreaming-about stage right now though. Then I would have a geat reason to sit down with my crochet needle again.

  2. Cute Lindsey!

    Happy Halloween to you to!

  3. So very sweet, and love the cute girl!! ;) xo Heather

  4. So cute! Thank you for sharing! Happy Halloween!

  5. That poem is so charming! Happy Halloween!


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