Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello Beautiful Ladies!
 My creative bliss.
These are the things that are keeping me from

I am not normally an embroiderer, but just felt
like getting in touch and playing with some pretty DMC.

These giant granny square afghans are completely addicting!
This is number 3!  I'll show it to you when I get finished.

Still not wanting to do housework, I picked up a couple of
limbs from the yard.  I always think there is something beautiful
about them.  Even more so after I wrapped it in pretty yarn!
I haven't decided quite what I am going to do with it yet.
Maybe hang pretties from it or just stand them all in a big vase.

I also spend time fiddling with my collections.
I have been collecting these frames for awhile now and
finally got them arranged and on the wall!

I found this pretty red and turquoise tablecloth at an
antique mall last Sunday.
Gotta love that color combination!

If you have read my blog awhile you know I love old things.
I don't know how old this leaded glass window is, but I am sure
it's at least 100 years old.  The small picture standing next to it
is dated on the back - 1880.

Another sweet little distraction.  Isn't it cute?  I got it Sunday, too!
So much work to do, putting my sweet things in their new places.
When would I have time to do housework?!
This IS my idea of housework!

Yes, this is my creative bliss.
Crochet, knitting, painting, embroidery and anything
else I can imagine.
I live and breath creative living.
The first order of business of the day.
If I didn't have a project I would be lost!
Or, I would have a really clean house!

Have a wonderful day!


  1. I just simply LOVE looking at your treasures. Thanks for posting once again.

  2. Such fun, I love being distracted from house work! We creative types don't really have the time to clean!

  3. Ha-Ha! I'm with you Twyla. Have been totally avoiding housework. The hook has been in my hand every single day. I am enjoying crocheting up these little drawstring bags. Am thinking to donate some to my friend so that she can sell them to raise money for her charity, so I keep making more and more and more. I also want to do embroidery but don't like following patterns or learning all sorts of fancy stitches. I just want to make things up as I go along. Am starting with some small cross-stitchings to add to the little rocheted bags.

    All your thrift store finds are just fabulous. The color combination in that tablecloth; and the painting from the 1800's -- wonderful! As is the leaded glass window. And wow! You really are fast with those giant granny squares. Love the colors you've chosen. That's the part I am having a hard time with ... never seem able to get the colors together that I want in order to get one started.

    I think today I must get to cleaning as hubby wants to invite friends over on the weekend for dessert and coffee/tea. And then it is back to school on Sunday -- then my free time won't be so free anymore. :/ Have a terrific Tuesday! Blessings, Tammy

  4. Oh my creative sweet friend...
    the housework will still be there
    when your fingers tire :D
    i loved doing embroidery and xstitch ~ until the tri~focals
    showed up :D and i remember making those huge granny square afghans back in the 70's for family & friends...now i do papercrafting
    and love it...housework will wait.
    your soul yearns for the feel of thread and yarn and paint...
    not bleach and Mr. Clean :D

  5. We can always do housework, but I would rather do something more enjoyable like embroidering,or something else just for us. I like all of your new founds. Please join my giveaway if you haven't. Have a great day. Your Missouri Friend.

  6. You are my kind of Friend:) I keep putting off housework too..however I don't create like you do! I want to..
    Happy Tuesday!

  7. oops...LOVE the Stain Glass Window!!!
    deb :)

  8. LOVE the tablecloth and the stained glass window! Beautiful! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  9. I'm also with you! I could spend the whole day going from one project to another.
    I love the colors you chose for the granny square afgan. I am making a ripple afgan right now, and am enjoying it.

  10. Love that table cloth, Twyla! enjoy creating but you know me, I like to clean AND create!!

  11. I just love the colors you used in your large granny square. I also love that tablecloth. So pretty.
    It's too hot to do housework. I think you have the right idea :).

  12. Hi Twyla! it's so much more fun to decorate and craft...there is definitly no fun in housework, that is unless you intend on crafting after your chores are done ;o) Have a super week! hugs, Jennifer

  13. The tablecloth is so pretty,I like your your limb wrapped in yarn. Who needs house work, it can wait until a rainy day.

  14. Lots of pretties to look at today...very enjoyable visit !


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