Monday, August 8, 2011

Birthday Call

Happy Monday to You!
August is off and running!
A week gone already!
If you have a birthday in August,
we'd love to know it so we can add your
special day to our sidebar.
We like to help you celebrate your day.

We would also like to remind you of the
Wizard of Oz themed ATC Blog Hop on the
19th of August.  Just create an ATC (artist trading card)
and share it in a post that day.  Then all you need
to do is link to the party on our blog that day!

Have a beautiful Monday!
Twyla and Lindsey


  1. Happy birthday to all celebrating their birthday this month :) Happy crafting, Jenny

  2. Happy birthday to all in August!!
    Have a Wonderful Day!!

  3. I really like you blog. You do such cute projects! I found out about your site from Elizabeth's blog Creative Breathing. When I went to her site today it was no longer there. Do you have any idea what happened to her and her site?

  4. This is my month...August 16th to be exact :) Thank you so much...that sweet card is adorable....blessings to you both.

  5. Happy Birthday August Beauties:) Have a blessed day everyone! HUGS!

  6. Thank! It's my 21st on the 30th, Horray!!!!

  7. Thanks for the cute card! Also I just got that issue of WWC and I love it. I got on Susan branch's blog and couldn't get enough.

  8. Cute card I saved it. Will try and join in again on the little ATC card with the Wizard of Oz theme.

  9. August is my very favorite month! Happy Birthday to all Leo's and Virgo's. My birthdate is Aug. 27
    I always enjoy your makes me smile.

  10. Happy birthday to all the Leo's out there.
    Its my birthday on friday (12th) and thanks to a medical diagnosis of gallstones and pancreatitis yesterday I won't be celebrating with cake or the usual lunch date with my friends. I'm going to treat myself to a day of doing absolutely nothing, putting my feet up with a good blog or two.



Thank you so much for leaving us a comment! We LOVE each and every one!