Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello Ladies!

You may remember my telling you about our trip
through the art department at Hobby Lobby, well,
I have been smitten by these little bottles
of magic!
They are little bottles of glitter and beads that are just magical to me!
They come in sets of three, color coordinated and inexpensive
when purchased with my coupons!
I don't think I have the heart to open them!
They inspire me just the way they are!

I have put them in my sun room studio where I have been painting.
I am having so much fun painting and creating in a different medium.
This is a mixed media canvas that I did the other day.
I am not especially good at it yet, but it is very soul satisfying.


My wrists have been a little sore from all the crocheting and I
needed to give that a rest for awhile.  I am still knitting in the evenings

I found this pretty blue vase at an antique mall Sunday.

Muffin is my companion when I sit in the sunroom.
No matter how hot it is in there, he loves sitting in the sun.
He is good company and doesn't critique my little paintings. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit with me today.
It is so kind of you to stop by!
Wishing you much happiness!


  1. Hi Ladies,

    Twyla, how blessed you are with your canine companions. I love your canvas paintings, especially this one, very pretty colors. Did you like the porcelain lady I sent you? I just thought of you when I saw her.


  2. I wish I knew how to crochet!

    Those bottles look fab up in the shadow box. I don't think I'd have the heart to open them either.

  3. Love those little bottles:) Sweet picture, I think you did a great job!

    Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  4. Twyla, I totally understand how these little jars of glitter and beads can inspire you. I felt the same way during my Daughter's dancing days, when I had samples of glittery costume fabrics all over the place. Your birdy mixed media picture is so sweet.

  5. I didn't know you were painting! It's so cute-good job!

    Well, I'd hang out in your sun room, too! ♥

  6. I love that you find beauty where I maynot have until someone shows me!
    LOVE your "freedom" original painting!
    I love our sunroom too and so do the doggies. The window are long enough that they can see out side.
    Happy Tuesday!

  7. Hi Twyla! your so creative :o)...the painting is wonderful and I like the colors you chose. I still have my cherries and my mushrooms in my kitchen, I just love them! Have a beautiful week, Hugs, Jennifer

  8. I really like your canvas painting. And those little jars are so cute. No wonder that you don't want to open them!

  9. Twyla, Love the little bottles, your artwork (nothing amateurish about it!) and those adorable doggies! Have a great day! In enjoy you blog so much.

  10. I lost you two somehow, but have found you again. I will put you on my blog. Isn't it great when we can find new craft mediums to try.

  11. Love your "tweet" little canvas creation, and your pretty blue vase. Those bottles look so cute sitting in their tiny cubbies.
    Oh - and your dogs are adorable, too!

  12. Your painting is very sweet...and so is the picture of your little Muffin as well,as the picture of all three of your boys in your previous post...too cute...blessings

  13. Those bottles are just divine:) I am going to have to look for those next time I am at HObby Lobby:)
    Your painting is very pretty by the way:)


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