Wednesday, June 8, 2011

ATC Blog Hop

Hello friends!

We thought it would be fun to show
our patriotic spirit with an ATC blog hop!

If you'd like to take part, all you need to do
is create an ATC, or as many as you'd like,
and link to our blog July 1st!

You can share your artwork in any medium you enjoy!
Here are a few Lindsey and I have done to get your
ideas flowing.
This is one that I painted.

The next two are Lindsey's creations.

ATC's are  2 1/2  x  3 1/2 
or you can purchase them in convenient
packages at Hobby Lobby or Michael's in
different types of paper.

Feel free to add our button (shown at the top of this post)
to your sidebar and help spread the news.

The day of the blog hop, we'll have you link your
blog post to our blog.

We hope you'll join in and make this a fun event
where we can show our patriotism through art!

Have a nice day!
Twyla and Lindsey


  1. I think I missed it but...what is an ATC? I see they are patriotic...but...please advise this old granny. Thanks.

  2. Hi there! Thanks for visiting me.
    I just might have to join up for July...but I fear I might forget by you send out reminders?

    I'm now following you...and I hope you'll visit with me again.

    Ciao bella!


  3. Such beautiful creations ladies!

  4. Very beautiful work Ladies:)

  5. Sounds fun...I'll have to join in!
    Love how you painted yours Twyla!

  6. Will see if I can join the fun! Just sent off one swap today, but have 2 to finish & send next week. Since one is a Red, White, & Blue ATC swap, it sounds perfect to go along with your blog hop! Check out Kimberly's blog if you'd like to see how she's doing the swap (


  7. What a wonderful idea and great inspiration. I've been a follower for quite some time and look forward to meeting new bloggers through the blog hop.

  8. I will be joining in this one :) I am a long time follower and I have posted your badge on my blog and I even posted on cafemom in my ATC group and brought you 2 new followers :) Can't wait to get started !!

  9. I'm delighted to meet you and am signed up as a new follower! I invite you to join me over at Create With Joy! I just posted your ATC blog hop on my sidebar (but it will take a few days to show - I'm migrating to WordPress in the next few days and I added it to my new blog) - and, time permitting, I hope to join you for the swap. I LOVE ATCs and it's been forever since I've had a chance to sit down and just play!


    P.S. Looking forward to touring that luscious craft room of mine on my next break! :-)

  10. I have put on my ATC miniature thinking cap and will be joining you for the Patriotic ATC blog hop. Sounds like lots of fun...

  11. I don't have a blog, but love to read and keep up on others. I do leave comments. I love all the ideas that everyone gives. They are a great help. I really don't know how to set up a blog or what to do with one. I enjoy sewing and crafting. I dabble in a lot of different crafts


Thank you so much for leaving us a comment! We LOVE each and every one!