Friday, October 8, 2010


Welcome, dear friends!
It is our pleasure to invite you into
our new craft room!

Maybe you can see why it took us so long when you see
how much stuff we have!
At times it felt like working a puzzle, getting every piece in just the right spot.

The room used to be used for storage and was full of Christmas trees, holiday
decorations and furniture that was no longer used.  We had a dream to turn it
into our fantasy craft room and it was no small task!

Now, it is our vintage inspirational oasis!

There are all kinds of crafting represented in this room.  You may notice
the two sewing machine cases in the above photo and this lovely box of fat quarters.
We have yet to do any sewing, but we're ready should the mood strike!

The infamous 'Elizabeth' cabinets.  We were so lucky to find these
in an antique store.  They are cute as can be!

Lindsey found this wonderful set of dressers at a fun antique store that specializes
in items from the '30's to the '70's.  It is by Childcraft and we loved the colored drawers!
They are so perfect to hold scrapbooking supplies.

These little pink windows were so sweet, we wanted them to be
a focal point in the room.  The chalk board says 'Two Crazy Crafters'.
Of course, Lindsey made the 'autumn' banner.

Another angle of our room shows the two wall colors. 
I shared in an earlier post the exact colors we chose and we couldn't be happier
with it!

This picture shows some of Lindsey's Irmi collection.
Don't worry, she'll be sharing them closer up in more detail in a later post!

Here is Pink Puppy watching over us.  Love the way he looks
on top of Lindsey's cubes.  Don't you love the pretty paper lanterns she made?!

Lindsey gradually collected this wall of cubes from Micheal's when they were either
on sale or she had a 40% off coupon.  It took her awhile to collect them and then bang them
together.  If you have these too, you know what I mean.

This is just some of the vintage whimsy that we threw in to inspire us.
Sitting pretties as well as supplies.

Lindsey is a huge Tim Holtz fan.  She has many of his products, but one of the
first things we bought was his wonderful Distress Inks.
Just look at all the great colors!

We got the paper rack at a scrapbook store that was going out of business. 
You'd think with all those drawers and all those cubes, Lindsey wouldn't need
paper racks, too.  Wouldn't you?!

Don't worry, there'll be lots more pictures from our craft room in future posts.
We hope that you have enjoyed seeing what we have done.
Thank you for joining us in our craft room!
Have a wonderful day!
Twyla and Lindsey


Free Pretty Things For You said...

im teary eyed!! lol
i want a room like this!!!! omgosh its perfect :)

PinkGranny said...

It turned out so well. I feel inspired for you! Enjoy, it is woth the wait!

Sarita Boyette said...

IT WAS WORTH THE WAIT!!! I've been wanting to see your room, but it was worth it! Everything is so pretty & organized - I can only imagine how hard you have worked! Love the paint colors. The room seems to be a large room, too.I'm so proud for both of you - wish I could be so lucky!

Cindy said...

Ladies..I do Martha Stewart would say..."This is a good thing!!"

Love the colors and all the organization..and of course I do love the vintage decorations!!

Thanks for sharing..Cindy Rick-Rack and Gingham

Anonymous said...

WOW!! That looks fabulous!
What an inspiring place--you ROCK!
I can't wait to see all the goodness that gets created in that room--ENJOY!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

WOW! Two Crazy Crafters will now always be pictured in this most wonderful place to create! All happiness wished to you. Adore you both! Elizabeth

LiLi M. said...

Ahhh, sigh.....
This is so beautiful! And so organized too, I love love love it! What a space, it is stunning! Almost too beautiful to use!! But please use it often ladies and make a mess ;-)!

BucksCountyFolkArt said...

WOW! What a fun, inspirational site to wake up to this morning.

Thanks for the smiles and congratulations!


Sandi~A Cottage Muse said... that is a crafter's heaven!! You did a wonderful job!!

Becky Garrison said...

Wow! What I wouldn't give for a room that BIG and PRETTY!!! You have done a great job! Becky G.

ImagiMeri said...

Hi Ladies,

Wow, it's amazing, and so clean!!! I gotta' tell you, I've got twice that space to use, and yours looks bigger cause it's clean. Mine looks like an episode of hoarders gone wild. Can you two come out and help me finish my space???? Excellent job ladies.


Heidi Ann said...

Oh!!! It is just as wonderful as
I imagined! LOVE your cabinets like the ones Elizabeth has! What a completely delightful work space this will be for you two talented (and not-so-crazy!) crafters!!

Jenny at Red House said...

You lucky lucky girls,I know how much work this has involved so hope you are both having a well earned rest? jennyx

Joanne@ Desertmountainbear said...

Wow!Wow!Wow! I am so impressed! You lucky, lucky ladies. Now you need a TV show! It's that good.

Foxglove said...

Ladies what an inspiring room you have created it looks wonderful. Thank you for taking us on the trip!

Have a wonderful weekend. xxxx

Yvonne said...

What a wonderful craft room. I loved it all. Want one like it! Especially the vintage painted cabinet. Our local antique mall has a complete set of those cabinets and they are so wonderful. The only problem is they're $2,000.00 But they would make a wonderful craft station. Thanks for sharing.
an Indiana Librarian

Hearts Turned said...

It looks so craftily fabulous, ladies! Would love a room like that to work in--what an inspiration!

I love the colors you chose and how organized and beautiful it all is...well worth all the work, my friends!

Thanks so much for sharing this with us--and enjoy crafting in your lovely new space today!


Betty said...

Oh! What a fantastic space. I know you'll be creating all kinds of pretty things with all of that inspiration around you!! You both should be proud of all the hard work. It certainly paid off!!

debi said...

Definitely worth the hard work you put into it!!! What a wonderful, creative space in which to CREATE!!!! Good job!

Signs and Salvage said...

OMGoodness!!! What a beautiful room!! I am drooling!!!

Happy Crafting!!


Jennifer D said...

I am soooo jealous! I want a room.

Lovely ladies, just lovely. My family would never see me again if I had a room like that.

Holly Hall said...

Wow! What a beautiful space to work in!

Unknown said...

Oh My Gosh.....this is unreal!!!! How perfect for the two of you!!!!! I am speechless and that doesn't happen very often! Very happy for you both and I know what kind of work you did here! Ooops....not speechless after all! :):)

Beedeebabee said...

Hi Girls!

Oh, I just love it!!! What a great place to escape to for hours of crafty playtime! I love all your vintage treasures, how organized it all is, and all of your sweet, special touches... including Meri's adorable puppy! How perfect he is up there! I'm just drooling...JUST DROOLING!!! Great job girls!

xoxo Paulette :)

queen-of-nostalgia said...

Oh. My. Goodness.

You two sure have been bus! It looks fabulous! What a great storage/work/inspiration space :) I love the mix of utility and beauty :)

Have fun!

Nancy Jo said...

Oh My Goodness, it looks wonderful! What a fun and pleasent place to play. I bet you found things you didn't even know you had when you sorted everything out. Well it looks great. I love it.
Nancy Jo

Christie said...

Congratulations girls!! I love your new craft's so organized and is filled with so much vintage cute whimsy, inspiration too :) It's precious...I know you will both have such fun in there...can't wait to see more and see the crafts you both create :)
Hope you have a great weekend!
Big Hugs,
P.S. My craft corner is coming along, but I'm still tweaking...hopefully I will be able to post some pics of it soon, can't wait to show you girls :)

barncat (Lisa) said...

It looks wonderful, thank you for the tour! Think I'll go back and look again. :)

NanE said...

WOW!!! Hang on, I've got to find some paper towels ...................................
.....................................OK, I'm back, I had to wipe the drool off my mouth, LOL! This room is FAB, love the colors and all the storage! How in the world did you ever find a cabinet like Elizabeth's? You two should be very proud of yourselves. You are going to have so much fun creating in your new room. Have a good weekend, Nan

Mercedes Spencer @ Liberty Biberty said...

What a fabulous room!!
Love the giant cupcake!

Anonymous said...

Eeek! when I grow up, I want an Irmi collection just like Lindsey's! ;) I'm so happy for you girls! You did a wonderful job.

I will come back to REALLY look on my "weekend" Right now, I have Micah in the back seat waiting for his turn on the computer.

Miss and love you! ♥ ♥ ♥

Michele Seraphim said...

WOW! It was worth all the effort as this space looks like it will run like a well oiled machine and it is also gorgeous with lots of style too! Good job ladies!

Scrap for Joy said...

I stopped by quickly this morning and thought, "Oh no! I have to come back when I have time to REALLY look around!" I am soooo impressed with how you organized this have fit tons of stuff in there in a beautiful non-cluttered way. Efficient use of space I think and everything is so beautiful...from your colors that you chose to even the colors of your yarn bin..mouth watering! What fun you will have creating in this space. Thank you so much for letting us take a good look around!
I can't believe you found a cabinet so similiar to Elizabeth's. I love that little pink table! Oh I could go on forever!!

Celestial Charms said...

Beautiful room, filled with wonderful inspiration. Such a heavenly place to create!

Sally Annie Magundy said...

Hi you two!
You big luckies! Oh my gosh, what a wonderful space you've made for yourselves! It's all so very charming and so very much the two of you. Wishing you so lots of creative inspiration and many hours of crafty fun in your new craft room!
Happy happy weekend,

Suz said...

Great, great job. I totally understand. I have "the bead room" upstairs and the "paper and fabric and etc." room downstairs in the basement. I am still trying to get the downstairs room in order!!! I feel like I have organized and reorganized. I hope this will do it!!! Well worth waiting for and I am sure this represents hours and hours of work.

Angela said...

Oh, I'm so happy you have that nice big organized place to create!! You have made it look just like the things you collect and create...lovely, sweet,and pastel!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

WOW! Your craft room is so large and pretty! What a dream space to work in. Thanks for letting us all take a peek! Enjoy it!


Hello you Two Crazy Crafters with the Awesome craft room!! ! It's just perfect! I love it all and am a tad jealous!!! Love the yarn and how it's the paper rack and love the's just great! Now that you are "pros" at this...please come to my house and we'll do mine!
deb :)

Simply Shelley said...

Its just wonderful...I pray you have many happy hours in there together...blessings

GardenOfDaisies said...

Twyla and Lindsey, your room is absolutely wonderful!!! I can just imagine the sheer delight that will be on your faces as you walk in there to work your projects!! I love how you incorporated all those fun storage pieces into your room: the picnic baskets, bread boxes, sewing boxes, tiered wire baskets, painted children's dressers and tables. Sooo fun!! All the little details and treasured vintage pieces work together to create a truly magical and inspirational space. WOW, I wish you could come to my house and help me figure out my office/sewing room. Thank you for sharing this with us!!

Karen Beth said...

Thank you so much for sharing the craft room. I love it. I am in the process of moving my craft room to a bigger space and deciding on what to do in it and the wall color. You have inspired me. I love your blog. I am a Barbie collector, so Wednesday is my favorite time to check your blog and see what you have posted. Thank you again.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

What an absolutely fabulous and beautiful space. With so much inspiration, how can you not create beautiful things!!!

I sent you an email with the link for the leaf pattern. I am sure you will wonderful things with it. Best wishes, Tammy

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

WOW you girls have THE BEST craft room - it looks fabulous!!!

Victoria xx

PS Don't worry there might be a bed in my spare room in the future but it'll still be housing all my craft supplies!

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

I don't think I'd ever leave this room.....



Anonymous said...

I'm here for another look and to give you a hug! ♥

Unknown said...

G'morn Ladies ~ I so love the bread box used for your fat quarters. You have done an amazing job creating such a lovely studio ... the colors are very inviting also.

Great job!
Have a beautiful PS ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Protector of Vintage said...

Wow! What a beautiful room and it looks very well organized!! I don't leave many comments, but I read your blog everyday!! Have a nice weekend!!

Charo said...

Congratulations, the craft room is fantastic! I think is a pleasure to work in there!


Dogwood said...

you two are so lucky. i am so happy for you and that wonderful craft room. i could look at those pictures all day. is there anything you don't have??!! i would love to spend a day or some days in that room.

happy crafting!

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

Wowzie girls! We can expect a lot more eye candy from you now that you have more room to craft in!

Elyse said...

omg! what an amazing space. it's like your own mini-michaels! so organized and pretty and cheerful! even barbie!



Rizzi said...


Unknown said...

I think more than anything what I love about the creation of this craft room is all the hours mom/daughter will spend making memories and gifts. Is there a corner to sit and knit?
Wonderful, and an amazing amount of organization and elbow grease!
Let the good times begin!

MaryEllen said...

Hey girls!
OMG!...looks like I picked a perfect time to visit!
Just look at that gorgeous room!
I love, love, love it!
I know what it feels like to have an ART space. I live in mine.
What a labor of love this room must have been for the two of you.
You've also inspired me, to clean mine. I look forward to some pics of the two of you busy at work in this awesome room! congrats!

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Ladies!!! Your work has paid off!!! Everything is fantastic and wonderfully appealing and inspiring. You will spend hours and hours of fun and creativity in this amazing place! That Elizabeth cabinet is one I've never seen but I'm "in love" - what a fantastic find! Everything is so beautifully arranged and organized. I just know how happy you are with the results! I've totally enjoyed pouring over the every inch!
Best wishes to both of you for a job well done!
Love and BIG HUGS!

Julie L. Light said...

I adore your craft room! It looks like you have a lot of space to create and sadly, as many supplies as I do, lol!
Have a fabulous day!

JoAnne said...

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for stopping by. I dream of having a room like that one day!

Carol Mae said...

Oh my Gosh!!! your craft Studio is awesome, I'm so happy you two have such a wonderful place to create. Thanks for the nice words about my new puppy Maggie. She keeps me happy and laughing a lot. Blessing to you both. Hugs, Carol Mae

Lorlore said...

Love it, love it, love it sooooo much!!! You two inspire me to do mine!!! I just got home from a long weekend stamping and scrapbooking in Tahoe, got me a Cricut machine, too!! Will have some cute Halloween goodies to show soon, we did a cute swap! A lot of hard work for you two, but will be enjoyed for years to come!! Great job!!!!

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Oh, Girlfriends!
What I wouldn't do to have a room your size for Brynwood! It's a fabulous space, and you have everything so organized! I'm sure it will be a joy to spend time there. Thanks for sharing your creative haven.

maría cecilia said...

Congrats to mother and daughter for this super organized and wonderful place for your own!!! What a great pleasure, a lots of work, to have a place like this you have created!!!
much hugs and lots of joyful creations over here
maria cecilia

colleen said...

Isn't it fun to have such a large room to fill up--something to be discovered everywhere you look! Enjoy!!!

Anonymous said...

Hugs, Diane

KatCollects said...

It turned out so cute! It looks like such a fun place for you two to craft, i am so happy for you both!

Heidi said...

Okay....when should I be there? I'll bring a plate of cookies to snack on as we craft.... My goodness! What a crafting haven! Love all the photos! Thank you for taking the time to show us!
Hugs, Heidi

Unknown said...

Congrats on your reno! It Is Amazing!!!!! I'm with TV/Hobby/Craft Room looks like something from Hoarders or Clean House. Thanks for the show and tell, but you are so mean...LOL.....I'm gonna haveta go to confession quick...I am soooooo coveting this room.

Rebecca said...

What an inspiration! I LOOOOOOVE seeing what people come up with to decorate their crafting area. I think there should be a blog just dedicated to that!

Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting on my banners. I greatly appreciate it!


Nancy said...

I just love your new look! Love the eclectic pretty and organized!! Hope your enjoy your new space...

Take care,
Hugs, Nancy

Carrie said...

LOVE it... so gorgeous and inspiring... it looks like a store! :)

Unknown said...

What a fabulous craft room, ladies! I am so jealous! You have everything so neat and orderly and chock full of inspiring bits and pieces. I wan to come play!

Donna said...

Wow! What an amazing craft room! You are so organized, I am envious! Now you have inspired me to get mine in order! I really love how you added vintage touches, and I also love the three tired wire basket. Awesome makeover!

Melanie {The Tiny Tudor} said...

Oh, You are such very very lucky girls! What a great space to create in.

Missouri Gal said...

It's a woman's cave.... I LOVE it!

Karen said...

I love love love this. I love "snooping". hehehe. Those taller pieces, you called them Elizabeth cabinets? OMG! I love them! And the cute little pink table next to them!
AND - the box you keep your fat quarters in. Sigh!
what are fat quarters anyway? (you can tell I sew a lot!)

Looks like the two of you will have WONDERFUL times together in thsi space just creating away.

Isn't life grand? LOVE IT!

Thanks for sharing! Karen

Marta said...

Lovely place for two lovely crafters, sure !!! Congrats.
Besos ;o)

B. Anna said...

I love it!

Amy said...

Wow! I just stumbled into your craft room. I can relate to it so much, but I marvel at how clean it is. You have inspired me to post my room to share with others, I got some great ideas from walking around your room. Nice to meet you two. Ciao!

Libbie said...

Paradise! I don't think any other word would do! I hope you are enjoying lots of time in there together! you girls are inspirational!

Anonymous said...

Woo- hoo! Here I am once again to see your craft room with FAST Internet! I'm justa click,click,clickin' away on the pics! Your baby planters make everything look so sweet! Mine are now divided between the craft room and the dinning room and they are always fighting over who get to be where! ;)

I LOVE that little pink curvy table with the glass knob! But I also love how you've mixed primary colrs in with the pastels. That's what I'm doing too and I'm so pleased that it works!

I started cleaning/organizing my craft room yesterday. I didn't get very far! I organized all my packing supplies- tissue, shred, bubble wrap. What a mess! If there were doors on my closet, they wouldn't be able to shut! How some women manage to have closets that can shut, is beyond me!

My poor shabby shelf has become a junk station. :( Maybe I'll get to it today after being inspired by your wonderful craft room!

I'd love to see pics of you two in there! ♥

SLR said...

ohmigosh!! this room is amazing...i LOVE those "Elizabeth Cabinets"! how wonderful to have a daughter who loves crafts and vintage...i hope mine will someday - she's just 7 months now

Monica said...

This is my first time visiting your blog, and I am enjoying my little tour around very much. I just had to stop at your craft room because I abslutely love it!! You are obviously very talented. This has just made my evening :)

Polly Dolly said...

What a gorgeous room, I would love something so cute, pretty and well equipped.

earthspirit927 said...

What a great room to have to craft in. That is amazing:) I love it !!

bichonpawz said...

Awesome ladies!!! I positively adore your craft room!!! What an amazing job you did! Truly an inspiration!!
Thanks for the follow!! I am your newest follower!!

farmhouse-story said...

i love looking at scraprooms, and yours is so wonderful! tfs!

The Greeley Girls said...

We LOVE your craft room!

maria said...

You are so lucky to have that space for your crafts. It's beautiful.

LauraO said...

OMG, what a stunning craft room!

Unknown said...

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