Friday, August 20, 2010

More Inspiration!

Hello friends!
Today I wanted to share a few more photos from my recent trip to Chicago for CHA!
One of the lines that I was most anxious to get was the Togetherness line by Cosmo Cricket! 
Here is a photo from the Cosmo Cricket Booth showing ATC cards created using the Togetherness line.
I  can happily say this was the first line to arrive at the scrapbook store where I work! I am going to have fun playing with this line!

Another booth that I was excited to find was the Crafty Secrets booth. They sell beautiful vintage style stamps, stickers and creative scraps!

One of our blog friends, Julie of A Vintage Chic, is on their design team and I was excited to go see her lovely work in person!

One of my favorite displays at the show was from Melissa Frances. This beautiful old green door was so pretty!

This Halloween Mannequin from the Girls Paperie booth was very inspiring!


The Graphic 45 booth was amazing, definitely the best, very detailed and lots of lovely altered projects!

Most of my photos were taken on this one side because every afternoon of the show, Graphic 45 would have a giveaway. I had to be one of the first 10 people in line to be a part of it. So every day I would stand in line for about 2 hours by their booth so that I could win a full paper pack from one of their newest collections. 
One of their new lines is called, Steampunk Debutante. It's a very cool victorian line filled with clock faces and gears. So all the employees at the booth were dressed in cool victorian costumes!

After the CHA Trade show was over we headed across the convention center, where they had another area ready for us to set up a booth for the CHA Super Show which was open to the public. It was an exhausting 2 days filled with doing make n takes and demos!
 I was teaching this lady how to use alcohol inks on pill bottles to create lovely needle cases, when I had my picture taken unknown by me! 

Well, I hope you enjoyed seeing my trip! I've been so busy creating since I've been back!
I will have lots to show soon!

Have a lovely day, Lindsey


  1. Isn't CHA fun, Lindsey??? I got to go with Crafty Secrets last January--had so much fun! (Actually, it was a LOT of work, too!)

    Glad you liked my stuff--that's so kind of you to mention!

    Love seeing your photo memories of your time there...hope you and Twyla are doing great!


  2. I see a danger zone sign...If I stepped foot into your world of creating I'd never get a thing done! It looks like it's so fun and so addicting! Soon they will need to have a therapy session for scrapbooking!

  3. That Togetherness line from Cosmo Cricket looks amazing. Thanks for sharing all the photos with us Lindsey, seems like it was so much fun.

  4. Yay! There's your cute little self with your hands at work!

    I really like that togetherness line, too! the colors and patterns are perfect! ♥

  5. Looks like a lot of fun at CHA!!!! I would love to go some time! Lovin all the great inspiration!!! Thanks!!

  6. Looks like you had loads of fun! All of that creative beauty in one place, wow!

    Have a blessed day! HUGS!

  7. What a great bunch of stuff! I'm feelin' the bug!

  8. I was EXCITED to read a comment on my blog from a crafter.. Big scrapbooker over here... well, I don't get a lot done, but I love to collect the supplies.
    Thanks for the visit!!

  9. Oh Lindsey

    What fun it must have been - I love those lines too!


  10. Hi Lindsey,
    Love the crafty Secret line myself!
    Sure looks like a great time!
    deb :0

  11. Julie's work is just amazing! What a wonderful place for tons of inspiration. Lucky you! Best wishes, Tammy

  12. Thanks so much for visiting my lonely blog. I appreciate your sweet complimentary comments. I need to work with it more. I get so busy with hosting swaps lately, and designing for story tellers, I have neglected Special Paper projects. Anyway, I sure miss going to CHA, I used to be involved with a scrapbook store, and got to go all the time whenever it was in Las Vegas. I loved it so much. I loved seeing the pictures of your visit there, and especially the boothe for graphics 45 I will be visiting your blog alot!

  13. Oh Lindsey, you lucky lucky girl! I'm so envious. Thanks so much for sharing more of your great time at CHA with us.

  14. Lindsey! Thanks for sharing more of your wonderful trip. September is almost here..... can't wait! E

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