Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Barbie Wednesday

Hello Friends!
Today I wanted to share with you a wonderful flea market find that I discovered last week!
A Twist and Turn Barbie! I knew she had to come home with me as soon as I saw her on the shelf, and for only $4.00, she was definiely a steal! She also looks to be in fairly good shape. Just needs a little love and a pretty new outfit and she will stand happily with my others!

I wish that I had more photos of her in my vintage dresses to show you, but I have been SUPER busy these past two weeks, working on my Guest Designer projects for October Afternoon!

Mom has hardly seen me at all, as I have been working like mad in the craft room!
I cannot wait to show you all what I have been creating!
It's been so much fun! I love all their new releases!
One of my favorite projects was created using the "Schoolhouse" line!
You can visit their website here, to see all the pretty patterns included in the Schoolhouse collection.
Wishing you all a crafty day, Lindsey


  1. Love your new doll! You really got a good price, too. I got my Barbie catalog today & you probably did, too.
    I know you're having fun creating!

  2. Ah what a dream girl! You lucky thing!

    I have to give you this link:

    She even sells them here in the Netherlands. I remember how we used to make those in kindergarten with plain paper. Funny how ideas travel around, while neither of you have ever heard of each other. Jurianne inspired me of my own ideas with these 'lanterns'.

    Thanks, have a great day!

  3. Hi Twyla I used to run a Brownie Guide group (as Buttercup, sadly!) and our most successful night ever was a barbie night! we had soo much fun!jennyx

  4. Awww! i really envy you! I love collecting barbies but sadly neither collectibles nor vintage are available anywhere where i live! :(
    and getting them online can get very expensive...
    I love this one though..Can you do a post showing your barbie/doll collection ?!

  5. I'm looking forward to pics of your new creations!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  6. She's a beauty, Lindsey! You and your mom have and eagle eye when it comes to spotting great buys! xo Paulette

  7. Love your new barbie!!
    Have a Great Week!

  8. What a wonderful addition to your collection. Love the combination of her dark hair and blue eyes. She is stunning, and her outfit...fabulous!

  9. Hi Ladies,

    Lindsey I'm so excited to see your work, hopefully soon! Pink Puppy is on his way to you, hopefully by the weekend. Although I've paid for notification that you receive him, I would really appreciate it if you let me know you got him and that he's in good condition (I hope, I hope). Have a great week.


  10. HEY, thanks for stopping by my blog. I love new visitors and I also enjoy going and seeing new blogs myself.
    WOW.....I am in awe of people who can "craft".
    Scissors, a glue gun and anything of the such makes my hyperventilate.
    I. Have. No. Talent. There.
    but I love seeing what other people are able to do.
    I'll also have to refer your blog to some of my other followeres who I know love crafting etc.

  11. She's adorable! Thanks for the link for the website! I love neat sites to visit! I emailed you! Talk to you soon! Hugs! ♥

  12. Love your new(vintage)Barbie...I remember the TNT Barbie well...she was one of my favorites as a little girl....say Hi to your mom for me,if you see her... smile...can't wait to see what all you have been working on....blessings

  13. Lindsey, We are all on pins and needles in anticipation of September. So Proud of you! Also, please tell Twyla that my beautiful afghan arrived today and my husband has claimed it as his! We both think the shade of blue used is just wonderful! I am very proud to own one of her afghans. Have a great week - back to your craft room! Elizabeth

  14. She's a fabulous looking vintage Barbie! She reminds me a bit of Pricilla Presley. Hope you are having a terrific week!

  15. What a great Barbie. I can't wait to see what you do with her and your new Schoolhouse pieces!


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