Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Sweet Image for Spring Crafting

Hello friends!
Today I wanted to share this sweet image from one of my favorite Rand McNally Junior Elf Children's books.
I love how sweet this little girl looks in her apron making a paper garland!

I hope you enjoy this sweet image and use it in your Spring crafting.
There is still time to enter in our Spring Giveaway pictured on our Tuesday post. If you would like to enter in, just leave a comment on Tuesday's post!
Have a wonderful day, Lindsey


  1. What a VERY sweet and adorable image. I love it. I'm ready for Spring and to explore some new art/craft optinos. :)

  2. I have to say it again - you always bring up the best memories!
    Mama used to make me white organdy pinafores like that. One time she made me a dress with tiny yellow & white gingham checks. She made a brown organdy pinafore for it. I loved it! I believe she saw one in a magazine like it and copied it.
    The 50'd had some of the cutest styles.
    Blessings, Sarita

  3. I love this sweet little girl, Lindsey! Thanks for sharing this! Hope you and your Mom had a fun & very green St. Patty's Day!

  4. This is such a darling picture. I love this kind of artwork and the drawings look like it would be so simple but I can't draw an apple. Oh' how I would love to be an artist!
    Thanks for sharing.

    Hugs and kisses....Tracy :)

  5. Heej Lindsey,

    This is such a cute picture.
    Thank you fore make me happy with those beautiful things.

    Greeting from Irmaxxx

  6. Hi Lindsey, I think that is the cutest picture ever, I can't wait to use it:) Thanks a bunch!

  7. Oh ! love her! Thanks! I haven't done any paper crafting in a while. Maybe durring my vaca! ♥

  8. That is SO cute! I have very fond memories of making paper chains when I was a little girl.

  9. Hello Ladies,

    OMG this image is adorable, and you can bet your sweet bippy that I'm saving it! I love images like these......ah heck I love most all vintage images....LOL.

    Thanks again.


  10. Adorable! I love the paper chain she is makin' too!! Judi

  11. I agree this is the sweetest image. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Thank you for sharing another very sweet image. I love those Junior Elf books.

  13. First of all I want to say I love your header, the cute girls and that wonderful looking cottage. Your little girl today is so charming, I love vintage things. Have a nice day.

  14. Sweet, sweet vintage picture of the little girl make a paper chain.

    Have a nice evening...

  15. Very sweet card/image!!!
    Your bullentin board is very nice! You sure have fun ideas and thanks for sharing them!
    Deb :)

  16. Love the picture! Thanks for sharing!



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