Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Barbie Wednesday

Hello friends, today I am sharing a few more images form my vintage Barbie booklet.
These images are of Barbie's little Sister, Skipper and her best friend, Scooter.

I would love to know who is the illustrator of all these images featured in the books, cases and boxes.

These sweet little images would be perfect for tags!

If you would like to be entered in our Spring giveaway, please leave a comment on the post below.

I hope you are having a wonderful week!


  1. I never had a Skipper Doll, she came out when I was to old, my sister still has hers.
    I love Barbie Wednesdays!

  2. Hi, Lindsey,
    I love the art work, too. And those outfits are so adorable.
    So "girly" the fashions were back then.
    I thought you might enjoy my Barbie tablescape.
    Go here: to see it (sorry, I don't know how to make it an actual link in here)

  3. Precious, love the cute little outfits:) Have a blessed day Lindsey!

  4. I only had a Barbie....Loved her!!
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

  5. I know I had this booklet when I was young (I may still have it somewhere) - I loved how Skipper had the little-sister versions of the Barbie clothes, and I swear I must have spent hours looking at it, because every single outfit looks so familiar.

  6. Skipper and Scooter! Such cute names and yes, the illustrator was great! I hope you'll make some tags with these.

    Have a great day, Lindsey! ♥

  7. Thanks for the memories! I actually sold my Barbie collection on ebay years paid for my family's first trip to DisneyWorld!

  8. Cute images! I have a funny "Skipper", "Scooter" story.

    My sister was born 2 days before my 5th birthday and I was mad because they were at the hospital with her and I had to stay with my aunt. I had requested a Scooter doll for my birthday. It started snowing the night before and by the time of my birthday it was a blizzard. My father went out in the blizzard and bought me a doll and brought it down to my aunts. When I opened it I started crying hysterically, He had bought Skipper, not Scooter! I went into fits! He got back in the car drove back through the blinding snow and excanged her for the right doll, then brought it all the way back to my aunts!

    I am so embarrased to think of what a brat I was!! I needed a quick kick in the pants that day!

  9. I've just heard the "Wonder Room" in Selfridges, London is having a mini Barbie exhibit! I must pop down there and take some photos for you

    Victoria xx

  10. I have Skipper will one of my daughters now have her also. But I love your Barbie Wednesdays it just bring back so many memories.

  11. Lots of good memories, because I remember wearing clothes like these. I had a big puffy petticoat slip that I wore under the pretty dresses my mother made for me.... I remember getting out of my nice clothes one Sunday after church, but leaving the slip on, and jumping up and down on my bed just to watch my slip flap around like a ballerina tutu. (I was about 5 or 6)

  12. I do so enjoy your Barbie Wednesdays. These fashion images are great. Makes me want to have a model's figure to wear some of these vintage styles :)

  13. I just love the wonderful outfits for Skipper hat are in the little booklets. I have very few clothes for my Skipper. Thank you for sharing these pictures!

  14. I am a lover/collector of anything Barbie. I love you Barbie Wednesdays and look forward to them. Please enter me in your giveaway and keep showing your barbie collection. My camera is not working at the moment, but I hope to start posting about my Barbies soon. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Love your Barbie Wednesday segments, especially when Scooter is featured!!! Have a great day~

  16. Just stopping by to wish you both a fun St. Patrick's Day!

    I had (still have!) a Skipper doll - so much fun to see all these vintage images. I found an old Barbie catalog among my things but sadly not one for Skipper. Thank you for all the fond memories your posts bring. :)

    Happy happy day to you!

  17. So glad you stopped by today so I could visit your wonderful blog! I'm following now and am looking forward to sharing your site with my daughter!

  18. Thank you for all of the wonderful memories of Barbie. I enjoy your post so much.

  19. I agree with Shirley--these are great memories.


  20. I love the dress with the tiny doll with it. I never had a Skipper, but I remember she was my nieces' favorite doll. They probably still have theirs.I am only about 11 or so years older than them, and I probably played dolls with them, even though I was a teen when they were old enough for Skipper.
    Thanks for Barbie Wednesday!
    Blessings, Sarita

  21. I love the illustrations in the vintage booklets and would love to know who the illustration was.

    I never had a Skipper as a child but I sure do have a few in my collection now!


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