Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hello! Valentine!

Isn't this the sweetest little girl?  Love the kitty and the yarn basket, too.

I love this girl with her blue bow and dark curls.

Gotta love a pirate!  A young Jack Sparrow, perhaps?

It has been such a pleasure sharing some of our favorite vintage Valentines with you.
Thank you so much for visiting every day and leaving such nice comments.

Your encouragement has been the sweetest gift.
Have a wonderful day!
Twyla and Lindsey


  1. Oh these Valentines are the sweetest. Thanks for sharing girls.

  2. these are very sweet! happy valentines!

  3. I have so enjoyed seeing all of these wonderful vintage Valentines!

  4. Hi Girls...I just want to thank you both for sharing all of your wonderful vintage goodies with us....
    Can't wait to see what you both come up with next....Have a Blessed day....
    Sweet Blessings...

  5. Hi Twyla and Lindsey,

    What a cute post, i love it.
    I wish you both a happy valentine

    Greetings Irmaxxx

  6. Oh! all of these are cute but I'll have to send that first one to my Elizabeth! She loved all the girl valentines I showed her and she loves kitties- just like me!

    Thanks, girls! Y'all are the best!♥

  7. I love seeing these old valentine's. Make me think of elementary school and the mail box to drop off the cards for each other in 2nd grade. Thanks for the memory!

  8. Hi ladies,

    Thanks for sharing even more lovely valentines with us all. I hope I get around to creating everything I have in my mind using them.


  9. Thank you so much for MORE sweet vintage valentines. I am enjoying them. They are making me think back to those days when we made Valentine boxes out of a shoebox and gave Valentines that looked like these to all of our friends. Hugs and a wish for a wonderful Valentines day. Thanks for sharing all of these images with us!

  10. Thank you SEW much for the sewing and knitting valentines you have shown. I have used several of them and saved all of them for future use. I visit often, but don't always leave a comment. Happy Valentines and Thanks again for so many wonderful ideas and posts....Sue

  11. More! You have a fantastic collection!!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

    Hugs, Lisa

  12. Each and every vintage Valentine were sweet as can be.
    Really are appreciated.
    Hugs, Gerry

  13. A lovely post from two of the sweetest people in blogland! Have the most special Valentines Day, to you both.

  14. Have a Happy Valentines Day girls...hope you have a sweet one!!

  15. I think this little girl sewing is my favorite of all the Valentines you have shared....thanks so much for sharing all your wonderful cards...wishing you both a blessed Valentine day......

  16. It's been so fun to be a part of your Bella Vintage Valentine celebration!

    Can't wait to see what's next : )

  17. Unbelievable that you still have very pretty vintage Valentine cards in your sleeve! Thanks for all tutorials and every card you shared. Visiting Bella Vintage Valentine on an almost daily bases was my pleasure. Happy Valentine's day to you both!

  18. Lovely and sweet post!
    Have a happy Valentine's day!
    Hugs and kisses

  19. hey there dolls.
    hope you are having a wonderful valentines weekend!!

  20. Love the little dark-haired Valentine sweetie...Thank you for sharing these adorable little Valentines with us! Happy Pinkday, girls!

  21. It has been so great seeing all the precious vintage Valentines that you have shared with us bloggers.

    I look forward to seeing what is next for you lovely blog.

    Have a Valetine day full of love and sweetness.

    Hugs, Cory/Dogwood

  22. Umm! that crocheting looks interesting!
    Congratulations to both of you for some really good posts.
    Happy Valentines Day to you both!
    Hugs and Love Suex

  23. Love all your Valentines. I'm back after a cruise to the Mexican Rivera. Check out the wonderful card my niece made for me.

  24. For you, may EVERYDAY be Valentine's Day!

    From the heart, SF~~~~~*

  25. Thank you so much for sharing all of your wonderful Valentines with us. I have enjoyed seeing them so very much because of the wonderful memories that they bring. Take care

  26. Hi girlies! I love the Valentine and all the vintage looking goodies! It's always a pleasure to visit your blog! :)

  27. hello! how are you?
    happy valentine 2010 *_*

  28. You have the cutest Valentines ever!

  29. Happy Valentine day you two! The little sewer made me think of ELizabeth! :)

  30. Aw, the little girl stitching has to be my favorite...I'm an embroiderer. :)


Thank you so much for leaving us a comment! We LOVE each and every one!