Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

I don't think this cute little girl would have any trouble finding a Valentine.

Nor would any of these other little cuties!

Don't you just love how they illustrate kitties in these vintage Valentines?

I just love this sweet knitting kitty!

Thank you, everyone, for making this Valentine season such a special time. 
We have enjoyed sharing some of our vintage pretties with you. 
We will continue to watch as we go to flea markets and antique stores
in hopes of finding more to share with you next year!
Wishing you all a very Happy Valentine's Day!
Twyla and Lindsey


  1. Happy valentines Day, Thanks for all the lovely Post this Holiday! Hugs, Diane

  2. Thanks for making our Valentine's day sweet - Happy Valentine's day to you!Every day when I looked at your vintage cards, it took me back to a place where I was small, and taking the top off of my shoebox Valentine mailbox at school. What sweet memories!
    Love, Sarita

  3. Looking foreward to Valentine's day (and the days before) 2011 already! You girls did a great job, I cannot tell you that enough. Thanks for that. Now start to enjoy Valentine's day 2010! Have fun!

  4. You've both made this sweet Valentine's time even sweeter! Thanks for sharing all the lovelies you've found! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  5. They are all so cute !Thanks for sharing!
    Happy Valentine's Day !

  6. I love the girl with the capris on! Happy Valentines day to you Twyla and Lindsey as well!

  7. Adorable! You girls have a sweet collection of vintage Valentines and I'm so happy you share them with us.Happy Valentine's Day!

  8. Happy Valentine's day! And I think it is great that you girls shared all the lovely valentine's cards with us, Thank you

  9. A big hug to each of you girls! Thank you! ♥

  10. Happy Valentine's Day to my two most favorite Crafters! Elizabeth
    Thank you so much for all the beautiful Valentines you have shared with us!

  11. Thanks for being so giving during this Valentine season and sharing all of these beauties! Enjoy your day and hope it is an extra sweet one!

  12. I have so enjoyed all your tutorials for Valentine's & all the cards.
    Wishing You a Wonderful Valentine's Day!

  13. I've so enjoyed all of your wonderful vintage Valentines and the super tutorials! But, best of all, I just love sharing friendship with you! It's such a pleasure! Have a HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Hugs, Coralie

  14. Happy Valentine's Day Twyla and Lindsey. Hope you are all having a lovely day. Thanks for sharing the cute Valentine's images today. You have the most wonderful collection of them.

  15. Happy Valentine's Day, Girls! Hope your day is perfect.

  16. Happy Valentine's Day !!

    Thanks for sharing vintage Valentines, really have enjoyed them.

  17. Happy Valentines Day. I love the vintage Valentines. I love just about anything vintage. Thank you for sharing all the pretty cards.


  18. Happy Valentine's Day! I actually have the top girl card in my small collection. :) Just love the cheerful vintage graphics so much - thanks for sharing them.

  19. Great Blog and such cute Valentines! I'm glad to have found you! Happy Valentines Day!

  20. How do I miss so many wonderful posts from you two? The days just aren't long enough. And do you know I had to look at the bottom of that plate my tomatoes were on -- and you were right, it is a Fire King? I've never heard of it. I got a few of these when my Mammaw died. Hope you are having a beautiful, joyful day filled with much love and all things sweet. Blessings, Tammy

  21. I've so enjoyed looking at all the lovely vintage Valentine's Day cards! Thank you for sharing and you guys have a great Valentine's Day.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  22. Twyla and Lindsey,
    I do hope you have had a good Valentines DAy!
    Thank you for these wonderful posts! We've all enjoyed them.
    Easter now?
    Hugs and Love Suex

  23. Super cute cards...Thanks for sharing all this love.

    Happy Valentines Day to you both!

  24. HAPPY
    Thanks for sharing all your Valentine's with us!
    Deb :)

  25. Happy Valentine's Day. Thanks for the wonderful memories made by sharing your vintage valentines with us. I especially want to thank you for you allowing me to use them on my blog. You will find one more before the end of the day. It will bring the end to the a wonderful quiet day. The snow has started again only this time it is much heavier. Take care and Thanks again for sharing.

  26. Happy Valentine's Day!! Such sweet valentines. Thanks for sharing

  27. Super super sweet!! Thanks!! Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!
    Hugs, Lisa

  28. You have posted so many precious Valentines and I thank you girls for that.

  29. Hope you are having a sweet and fun Valentine day.

  30. Happy Valentine's Day! You girls did such awonderful job showing us all so many wonderful vintage valentines. The were all soooooo cute and your projects you showed us were inspiring!!

  31. Thanks for sharing all the pretty valentines with us. Happy VAlentines Day to you too!
    I was at the craft store yesterday and I went down the scrapbooking aisles thinking... What would Lindsey get to make her next card? :-) You gals are certainly an inspiration to me.

  32. Happy Valentine's Day Girls!!! It's always so nice to visit here. Everything is so pretty to look at, and your posts are always so sweet and adorable! those tutorials Lindsey! xoxo Paulette ;)

  33. I enjoyed viewing the valentines. I would love for you to visit my blog and see mine. I have a collection of valentines that belonged to my mother when she was in school. There are also valentines that our daughter got in kindergarten.


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