Monday, November 18, 2013

Meeting a Friend

It was a special day Saturday when I
got to meet Gayle of 'Garden of Daisies' fame!
Silly me, I had thought we might run out of
things to talk about!  We had a wonderful time
getting acquainted. 
We talked non stop for 5 hours!

We had fun looking at the antiques and we
both found some things to bring home to
remember our special day!
She surprised me with this sweet ornament
that she made.  It will always be special to me, Gayle.
She also surprised me with this pretty pink
McCoy planter!  I love it!
I couldn't help but notice a pretty little barn
right on the main street of town!  Gayle and I
both like barns!
I have had an unintentional blog break.
It's just been a very hectic fall.  Several elderly
relatives have been sick and both my kid's birthdays.
I plan to get back to regular blogging.
I've missed you!
'Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all
things and be in health, just as your soul
prospers.' - 3 John 1:2
 Have a lovely day! 

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  1. I have missed you too:) What a sweet time spent with your friend! Great gifts and finds, love the barns! Have a blessed week dear Twyla, BIG HUGS!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful fun day!! Love your treasures and gifts you got! And love the barns!! :) xo Holly

  3. I've missed you too, Twyla! I'm glad you and Gayle were able to get together. ♥

  4. Isn't it fun to meet a fellow blogger? It's like you've known each other forever! I am your newest follower.


  5. Oh, what a fun time!! Gayle is so sweet! Glad you both had a wonderful time together! Have a great week! xo Heather

  6. It sounds like a fun day! What sweet gifts, too!

  7. I've missed you too Twyla! I've been meaning to email and check on you but then I saw Gayle's post about your fun day and thought you're probably just busy. I'm so glad you're back!

  8. I follow Gayle too. She has such a great collection of vintage goodies!
    I'm always so happy when bloggers finally get to meet one another.
    Be Blessed-Kimberly

  9. Glad you liked it! :-) I really enjoyed our visit this past weekend and look forward to getting together again for another adventure!

  10. PS- That s a different barn than the one I saw! Eek, I guess that means I really DO need to go back there for the little tree and to take pictures of the green roofed barn.

  11. How wonderful to get to meet Gayle! I would love to meet you BOTH! Love the sweet ornament she made and that beautiful McCoy planter. I bet you got a few blog hugs, too! Enjoy your week my friend!

  12. Very cool that you had the chance to meet a blogging friend! ONE of these days, we will do the same!

  13. I love meeting blogging friends! I really LOVE that barn! I want to thank you again for the gift of warm feet...:):) I can't tell you how that bit of kindness meant to me! I miss you too!


  14. How wonderful that the two of you got to meet. I have loved every blog friend I've met so far. Obviously the connection started even before we met because we never, ever did have a problem with finding things to talk about. :) I had many months of not being able to post but this past week have gotten better. Best wishes, Tammy

  15. Hi Twyla! Sounds like you had a lovely day with your bloggy friend Gayle. What a pretty ornament she made for you!...We all need a brake sometimes, but I'm glad you're back sweetie! xo

  16. How fun to get to meet a blogging friend....sounds like a wonderful day. I pray you and yours have a very blessed Thanksgiving. I hope your family members are feeling much better....blessings


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