Thursday, November 21, 2013

A New Craft!

Hi friends!
For a long time now I have been
fascinated by penny rugs.  I assure
you that the last thing I need is another
craft to involve myself in, but there was
just something about penny rugs that
I wanted to try!
I got online and looked up tutorials.
I was a bit surprised there aren't more, but
I found this one to be of great help.

I am making up the pattern myself
and pretty much making it up as I go,
but it is very satisfying.
The one thing I haven't found is how to
sew the circles together.  I am considering
this first one practice, but, oh, how I am
enjoying working with the yummy soft wool!
"She seeks wool and flax,
And willingly works with her hands."
- Proverbs 31:13
Have a wonderful day!

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  1. You've certainly got me interested. I've never heard of a 'penny rug.' The one you're doing looks so pretty. Gotta go research penny rugs!

  2. Fun! I think we always need a new craft to try! :)

  3. Sweet craft:) I love learning something new! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. Twyla, I LOVE it! Your colors are so soft and lovely. Where did you end up finding the wool? I want to make one, too, but I need to test the wool fabric with the cats before I cut all those little pieces. (Afraid I might already know what the outcome will be.)

  5. What a fun new craft and love the ones you have made! I love learning new crafty things to make! Have fun! xo Heather

  6. Hi Twyla!
    How fun to try something new! Your "pennies" look darling, hope you'll share more of it with us. I adore penny rugs - I can remembering googling too and not finding much myself online in the way of free instructions.
    How wonderful to get to meet a blogging friend, I'm so envious. Fun fun fun.
    Happy weekend!

  7. Hello, just found your blog. I love Penny Rugs too. The instructions that i read somewhere said to snug up tow pennies and take a few stitches together.

  8. Great start Twyla! I love the look of penny rugs, too. (Elizabeth created some real cute ones a few years ago) and I actually have a pattern for a Santa Claus that I'd love to try....some day! Can't wait to watch your progress!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family...we have so many Blessings to be grateful for.


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