Saturday, September 21, 2013

Weston Church

This is Holy Trinity Church in
Weston, Missouri.
It sits high on a hill above the town.

It looks large and imposing in these pictures,
but it isn't very big. It was built in 1912.
I visited Weston last Sunday on a rather
rainy overcast day.  We climbed the hill
to the church so I could take these pictures.
It's a lovely, peaceful place.
I'm joining Inspired Sunday!
"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be
with you all.  Amen." - Revelation 22:21
Have a blessed Sunday!


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  1. it does look huge in your photos..I love the stonework.

  2. Two beautiful spires. The stonework on this church is lovely. A lovely contribution to the meme this week; genie

  3. awesome stone work. just lovely. i would love to see it in person to take it all in. ( :

    enjoy your week.

  4. Oh what a beautiful Church! Have a blessed Sunday dear Twyla! HUGS!

  5. It may not be big, but the stonework sure is impressive! Thanks for sharing it in InSPIREd Sunday.

  6. Wow, what a truly beautiful and awesome church!! Happy Fall Twyla! xo Heather

  7. Beautiful stone church! I love the big archway over the door.

  8. I recognized this one right away! Isn't it beautiful? Did you get to go inside? The stained glass windows are really lovely. I also like the cross set into the brick and the peaceful garden around the other side of the church, with the statue of St. Francis.


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