Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May 7

Yesterday I was able to enjoy one of the most
beautiful spring days we've had in a long
time!  We visited one of my favorite Missouri
towns, Weston.  I was thrilled to see beautiful
blooming flowers everywhere.
I took several pictures and this is one of them.
In looking at it I can't help but think of a quote
from Ansel Adams - "A good photograph is
knowing where to stand."  I look at this picture
and all I see is the drain spout in the background!

"I will teach you the good and the right way" - I Samuel 12:23
Have a wonderful day!

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  1. I love the flower. Being married to a retired professional photographer, I can give you one little hint. Stand back further and zoom in on the flower. It blurs the background when the flower is in focus and that drain spout would almost disappear! Love it anyway.

  2. We had a perfect day here too. Won't be long before it's hot!

    Your photo is beautiful. I never would have noticed the drain spout. ;)

  3. It's been hot here, Twyla! whew! It's supposed to cool down, though.

    Lovely tulip! I wouldn't have noticed the drain without you saying something. :)

    I never know where to sit when I photograph my finds. I just take about 20 pics from every angle and then pick the best one when I edit!

  4. Lovely tulip and I probably wouldn't have even noticed the drain pipe if you hadn't mentioned it. :)

  5. Sounds like a wonderful place to visit!! Love the barn from the last post, too! xo Heather

  6. Weston is a great place to visit as
    is Parkville.

    Love the tulip. How funny in regard to the downspout.

    M :)


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