Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 5

Imagine my surprise when I spotted a bear
out my car window!  Thank goodness it
was just Yogi!  It was too cute and I had
to drive back by so I could snap this picture.
I am enjoying sharing a bit of my world with you
every day as I continue my 'post a day in May'.
"With the Lord there is mercy" - Psalm 130:7
Have a nice day!

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  1. Oh, you got me there! My husband just loves Yogi the Bear. He still reminds me of my brother!

  2. Ha! Yep, you got me! I was already feeling jealous and everything! ;)

  3. That would truly be a surprise!
    Glad it was just.

    M :)

  4. Hey there... it's Yogi Bear :).
    I might have missed him hiding beneath that gorgeous tree.


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