Hello friends!
One of my favorite things about May
is the iris blooming. Iris is my favorite
flower. They grew in my yard when I
was a child and I think that may be why
I love them so. I saw these beauties
when I went for my walk today.
"Comfort one another" - I Thess. 4:18
Have a lovely day!

My mother had that exact color of Iris in her garden. Purple ones too! They're so beautiful....thank you for a trip down memory lane.
I have a very similar iris. It's not blooming yet but has buds. Great photo.
I love Irises, too! I doubt ours will bloom until June. I see we have a few here at the new place and I can't wait to see what they look like!
If the rain lets up, were going garage sailing today! ♥
Very pretty indeed
My grandmother always had them in her yard...I have a few,but they aren't blooming :( Blessings
I love them too. the color of this one is just stunning! xo
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