Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Tag Tutorial #3 and December Birthday Call

Hello friends!
It's number 3 today in our 12 days of Christmas tags!

For this tag you start by printing and cutting out this vintage card image.

Now take a manila tag or cut a tag shape to 3 x 6, and a couple scraps of christmas paper. I used Cosmo Cricket's Mr Claus snowflake pattern.

Cut and glue paper to the top and bottom of tag.

Cut another piece of scrapbook paper to fit the center of the tag. I tore the paper along the bottom to give it a more aged look.

Take Vintage Photo Distress Ink and ink around the edges of the tag.

Take a white gel pen and draw stitch lines around the edge of the tag.
Cut a strip of wide lace ribbon the size of your tag.

Glue to the center of the tag.
Take red glitter glue to add sparkle around the vintage image.

Now take pink crepe paper and scrunch it up and add along the bottom of tag.
Add ribbon along the top edge of the crepe paper.

Now glue the image down to the center of the tag. I added a Martha Stewart doily to the upper left corner. Then add a pink flower to the image.
Take a paper snowflake and glued to the lower right corner and added a stick pen through the ribbon on the tag and centered it in front of the snowflake.

Add pink ribbon to the top of your tag. I used pink dyed seam binding.

It's done!
I just love the vintage card I used for this tag! I would love to have some of the cute tree ribbon from the card! Cute!

If you like Tim Holtz's vintage style, you may be following along on his 12 days of Christmas tags!
I thought it was so pretty today that I woud make one too!
Here's my version!

You can visit his blog here to see his tutorial!

It's also time for our December Birthday call!
If you have a birthday this month,
let us know and we will link you on our sidebar!

Have a lovely Thursday, Lindsey


  1. Another great tag idea! I love making tags. I've just been turning them out and then I want to look at them and admire! Thanks for more inspiration.

  2. Good morning, I was surfing around and found you cute tutorial and wanted to let you know that I have share it and your blog on my blog at Oh! My Heartsie Hope you can stop by and check it out and follow.

    Also following your blog as well and Tweeted your latest tutorial and added you to my Craft Blogs I follow.
    I have a suggestion you should add the Share It buttons to the bottom of each blog post so those visiting can Tweet and Share to Facebook with their friends to get you more exposure.

    Have a great Holiday!


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