Saturday, March 5, 2011

Birthday Greetings

It's no secret we love birthdays!
We believe everyone should feel special on their special day!
We'd love to record your birthday in our list of March birthdays in our sidebar
so be sure to let us know if your birthday is this month.
We also think it would be awesome if everyone visit and wish that
person a happy birthday.

A birthday is just the first day of another 365 day journey around the sun.
Enjoy the trip! - Anon

Have a happy day!
Twyla and Lindsey


  1. What a sweet thing you ladies are doing for all the birthday girls in blogland!

    Love this sweet vintage birthday greeting...they just don't make them like this anymore, do they?

    Wishing you both a most wonderful weekend...


  2. Thanks for the sweet birthday wishes on my special day a week ago. Hope you both are having a fantastic weekend. Best wishes and blessings, Tammy

  3. Not long to go and I can tell you abut my birthday in April!

    Have a great weekend,

    Victoria xx

  4. Hi Girlfriends,

    You ladies have some of the most amazing cards, and I'm really enjoying the altering of them and sending them back to you. Have a great weekend.

    Love ya'

  5. You ladies amaze me, always kind and uplifting:) Have a blessed day dear friends, HUGS!

  6. I have been so busy with my quilt, I have neglected everyone. So I looked at your past posts and loved every minute. It always makes me smile. Hugs, mary

  7. Happy Birthday to all of our March birthday friends

  8. You guys are so sweet to do the birthday thing. Have a good weekend.

  9. That is a dear card and so kind of you to remember birthdays!

  10. I think it is a wonderful idea about the birthdays. I know if I know it is someone's birthday I will stop by and wish them a great day. I love the vintage cards so very much. Have a great weekend.

  11. Me encantan las fiestas de cumpleaños y felicitar a las amigas que este mes lo celebran. Pasaré por sus blog para dejarles un abrazo.

  12. I love the idea of your birthday list. It was fun to see mine listed in January and made me feel so special.

    I've been at the shop of course all week. We had our best day yesterday. A tag of yours sold. I also love your Cinderella ones you made and must buy one for myself for sure!

  13. Hi ladies....I discovered your cute blog while I was looking for examples of "tags". I'm in my first swap and found out I need to create a tag. I was't sure exactly what tags were but I'm enjoying looking at all your cute ones.
    I'm still trying to figure them out....are they sort of like small scrapbooking type tags that could be used as a gift tag or card? Thanks!

  14. You have the sweetest blog! I love your birthday wishes idea. Thank you for bringing a smile to my face every time I visit!


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