Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello Friends!
I am still obsessed with crochet! 
With hook in hand and a lovely yarn gliding through my fingers,
I can happily create and relax.
This is a pincushion that I made this week.

I also like to pick up the plain wooden hangers from thrift stores and flea markets and crochet
pretty covers for them.

Lindsey is often the recipient of many of my crochet projects.
I customized this hanger just for her!
I added some extra embellishments to hers and like the results so much
that I think I will do the same with the others!

Speaking of hangers, I love vintage children's hangers. 

Here are some in my collection.

They are so charmingly sweet.

I want to thank everyone who visited our Pink Saturday post. 
We have only participated twice, but everyone has made us
feel so welcome.

In honor of Pink Saturday's 2nd birthday, we had a giveaway.
We are pleased to announce that No. 5, Nan of Retired in Alaska won!

Thank you so much for stopping by today!
Wishing you all much happiness!


  1. The sweet little hangar in off white with the little applique is just like one I have from my childhood I think it is I've always had it but it's in an aqua. You girls have prompted me to go look for it now, should be around here somewhere. I love those other hangas and the one with the little girl is darling.
    Take Care

  2. I'm crazy about the childrens hangers too!
    Have a couple and they are so sweet.
    Your pincushion turned out wonderfully!
    You girls always inspire the creativity in us!
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  3. You have some very sweet baby hangers!! My grandma taught me to crochet those hanger covers, but it's been a while and I've forgotten how.

  4. Congrats to Nan! Love the children's coat hangers too!

  5. Love your pincushion and the embellished hangers! I also have some baby hangers, but they are my plastic ones from when I was a baby. They could be celluloid, I'm not sure about that. Congratulations to the winner of your giveaway!xxxooo

  6. I too am obsessed with crochet!! Love the pin cushion & those adorable children's hangers!!
    Stop by my blog for my Summer GiveAway!!

  7. What a cute post - from your lovely crocheted pin cushion to those adorable crocheted and wooden children clothes hangers. I love the one with the black and white doggie!

  8. I adore childs clothes hangers too but have found myself selling them...not too sure what I would do with them if I kept them. Love your crochet~reminds me of my Mom.

  9. I have never thought of vintage hangers....very cool. My favorite is the last one, with the puppy. Too cute.

  10. Twyla, I love your description of a hook in your hand and yarn gliding through your fingers. You need to be in a magazine!

  11. Twyla, I adore Nan and am so happy she won your giveaway! I also love posts where you have crocheted something new. Your pincushion is adorable! I hope you have a lovely week ahead. Elizabeth

  12. What lovely crochet pieces! I am in a crochet mood right now but am having trouble finding a few extra minutes to begin ~ or even choose ~ a project. I keep thinking, "Maybe tomorrow." Thank you for sharing pictures of your work and inspiring me to get busy.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  13. Very nice pincushion and hangers. My sis Heidi has a thing for those crocheted hangers. Yours are so nice!!

  14. Hi Twyla:
    I love your pincushion! And those wooden baby hangers are adorable - especially the one with the sweet pup! I only have one baby hanger so far, but I think I'll start looking for them.
    Have a great day!

  15. Those children's hangers are way too cute! I especially love the one with the Boston terrier on it. Have a great day!

  16. Nan is the lucky one after all. I do believe her Pan dog brings her the best of luck.
    Hangers...my wee delight too...I only have two but oh how I love them.

  17. Hi Ladies,

    That's some aweful cute stuff you're makin'. Congratulations to Nan, she's such a lovely lady and certainly deserves it.


  18. Hello Girls! Twyla I love your pin cushion...I need to learn how to do that. Those coat hangers with the crochet are so handy as they keep things from slipping off the hanger...great idea and I love the one you embellished for Lindsey! We've been so busy working outside that I haven't had much time to spend on the computer. I hope you have a wonderful day...take care...
    Maura :)

  19. Your crochet-covered hangers are gorgeous, Twyla. I always buy those when I find them. There's something so nice about using a pretty, vintage embellished hanger rather than boring new ones that really appeals to me.
    And I also love all of your vintage child's hangers with the decals (or whatever) on them.
    I have an idea now for an upcoming post- once again inspired by my two favorite "Crazy Crafters"!

  20. "Someday" I'll learn to crochet . . .

    I love kids hangars!

    I used one of your images on my June Tag-Along - stop by and see it today!

  21. AWWW--I LOVE the pincushion and hangers! Would you be able to share the pattern with me? I enjoy crocheting so much! Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope to hear from you soon, Victoria

  22. Oh I just love your sweet pincushion and the covers for the hangers are a great idea. Not only funcional but pretty too!
    Happy June,

  23. I love the pin cushion Twyla.I can crochet pretty good, but I mostly do it in the wintertime.I would love to make one of them.If you can, and when you can, maybe you could tell me how to make it.I would appreciate that.You could also email me the HOW TO to my email,rebbamochaa@gmail.com

    Happy Tuesday!

  24. I love you hangers, especially the doggie one. Also the crocheted hangers-really cute!

  25. Love all the hangers, Of all the crafts I do I have never crochet....wish I did!


  26. Someday I WILL learn how to crochet, my daughter picked it right up from a book I bought to teach myself. You make such lovely things, I want to too!

    Love those old hangers, too cute!

  27. I'm sure Lynsy loves having you crochet wooden hangers for her closet. It would make hanging up clothes a lot more fun! Your crochet pincushion is just darling!

  28. Sorry I spelled Lindsey's name wrong in the comment box...

  29. Love your crocheted goodies, Twyla :) and who could resist those cute little childrens' hangers?

  30. Love the cute hangers and your wonderful crochet creations!!

  31. Hi Twyla,
    I forgot today is Tuesday...
    LOVE the blue and pink pincushion you made and the hanger covers with the extra flowers. SWEET!! I just bought some hangers with covers on them..now I need some little flowers for them :)
    Also very sweet is your kids hanger collection.
    Congrat's to the winner too.
    Keep your finger busy making those very nice treasures.
    Deb :)

  32. Your crocheted pin cushion is so sweet!

  33. LOVE the pin cushion! Will you be making any to sale?

  34. Love the hangers!! You are great with a needle ;)
    Hugs, Lisa


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