Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Barbie Wednesday

Hello friends!
There's a lot of really neat facts about the history created by Mattel in the pages of old Random House Barbie books from the early sixties!

Although they have never been issued as dolls, Barbie's parents' names are known to be George and Margaret Roberts. As part of Barbie's early 1960s storyline, she was also known to have a cousin called LuluBelle. She, too, was never merchandised.

Barbie's cousin, Francie's mother (Barbie's aunt) is named Lillian Fairchild.

Barbie's younger brother Todd has a twin sister. This sister was called "Tutti" in the 1960s, and was later called "Stacie" upon her re-release in the 1990s and beyond. It is generally assumed that they are the same character, since Todd couldn't have more than one twin sister.

Wishing you all a wonderful day, Lindsey


  1. I really enjoyed finding out some info about Barbie I never knew!!

  2. Thanks for sharing, Lindsey. I didn't know some of these facts. I will have to be looking for these books when I go to the resale shop.

  3. I just love your Barbie Wednesdays!!!

  4. Someone had given me one of these books because I collect Barbies. I just went and torn my bookcase apart and I couldn't find it to see which one I had.
    I always enjoy visiting you for Barbie Wednesdays!


  5. And for you a lvely day! @nne

  6. These Random House books were translated in Dutch, but the covers are (now) vintage Barbie photos, I used to display the books and the Barbies in exact the same clothes.

  7. Do you think anyone would've bought a Barbie doll named LuluBelle?! Why in the world would the author have named Barbie's sister that? I was "too old" for Barbie by the time these books came out and haven't ever seen them in the thrifts OR antique malls. Go Barbie!

  8. How adorable do those books look.

    Victoria xx

  9. Great info! Wish I could get my daughter to play with Barbies so I'd have an excuse to collect some!

  10. i love those vintage pictures


  11. OH! I am loving this sweet blog! Thanks so much for visiting and commenting on mine.

    Consider me a new FAN and Follower!


  12. I loved seeing those great vintage books - and I also enjoyed reading the history lesson. It really doesn't get any better than Barbie Wednesday!

  13. What interesting facts on Barbie! I am loving your blog!
    Have a good day.

  14. Hi, Lindsey! those books must be so fun to look through! ♥

  15. Great info. Something I didn't know.

    Have a great day.


  16. Hi Lindsey! Don't you just love that plaid sports coat on Ken! Sigh, I wish life were like old fashioned Barbie world. I can't wait to get the October Afternoon thrift store paper you featured. What a cute clipboard! Have a great weekend ahead! Elizabeth

  17. Thanks for sharing more info on Barbie! I am so interested in them now and love to learn more! ♥

  18. It's so fun to play Barbies with you and I always seem to learn something too!
    Hey, Hey to Barbie...In living color for the world to enjoy!
    Stopping by after a day of work to play.

  19. well researched, barbie-ologist!


  20. Oh i love Barbie Books!! These bring back memories!! You have the best collection!
    Hugs, Lisa

  21. I miss my Barbie dolls....I can picture her now....thanks for the lovely post

    Kitsch n Stuff

  22. Well, I'm astonished! I never knew these things about Barbie before, and I never heard of these old books before. Cool! Thanks for sharing.

  23. How fun, I never knew any of this!!! What I did have, that's pretty funny now, is a Cher "Barbie" doll. She was Barbie's best friend!

  24. Interesting! Francie was and still is my favorite Barbie relative. Nice to know her last name is Fairchild.

    I love the graphics on the books too. Really sweet.

  25. This is the first time I've visited your Blog and it is darling. I have bookmarked it for future reading,

    I see you love Barbie as much as I do. I also see you are located in Missouri and if you don't already know, there is a Barbie exhibit at the Toy & Miniature Museum in Kansas City. It runs through the end of December. I've alrady been once and am going again, taking another friend next week. You can Google the Toy & Miniature museum if you are interested in information.

    Cindy in Kansas

  26. Fascinating history - especially about the twins!

    A big welcome to Barney, too! May he "live long and prosper", lol!


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