Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy May Day

Hello friends!
Here is a poem from one of my favorite children's books!

I love this sweet girl in her pink dress!
Wishing you a wonderful day, Twyla and Lindsey


  1. Happy May Day! Thanks! I was wracking my brain this morning trying to figure out what was special about the first part of May! Ha-ha! I'm so focused on moving that life is passing me by! ♥

  2. So pretty!! Now, I just need to find me a hawthorn tree....

  3. Happy May day to a beautiful mother daughter team!

  4. Happy May Day to you both...lovely card and sweet poem

  5. Thank you for the reminder of May Day. I love visiting your blog, I always leave it with a warm feeling in my heart and a smile on my face.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  6. Happy May Day!
    (and National scrapbooking day, too!)

  7. Happy May Day to you two!
    I'm getting ready for Groovy Girls...hope you both find time to join in the fun because I know you are both Groovy at heart!

  8. Aww, she is so cute and the little poem is so sweet. Thanks for sharing it and Happy May Day!!

  9. Happy May Day! My May basket fto Puppet is ready to be secretly front doorknob-hung, followed by a large sound of the knocker and me making a run for it. All just as soon as that sleepyhead rises and shines. Lol! We love May Day! (P.S. Wear some violets in your hair today, and if you see a May Pole, frolic 'round it!)

  10. Happy May Day! I love that image too!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  11. I always have good intentions of making little baskets to hang on friend's and neighbor's doors, but this day always sneaks up on me! Such a cute image of that little girl, and the poem is so sweet!
    Happy May Day!

  12. Happy May Day Sweet Lindsey and Twyla...

    What a beautiful card and I adore the little story that goes along with. I have not heard this before so it surely touches my heart. Thank you for sharing.

    The graphics are just beautiful on the older cards, now everything is so commercialized. I love looking back and I love it when you share these beautiful treasures of yours.

    Have a beautiful May Day. May your day be filled with sunshine and happiness. Country hugs, Sherry

  13. So cute...I love it! Happy May Day to you too!

  14. I read somewhere that on May 1st if your say "Whiterabbits" before saying anything else, you will have a lovely summer! I forgot this year...The first thing I said was "What time is it anyway?" Maybe I should have just gone to the field at the break of day instead!?!

  15. Happy May Day! I have this very same illustration in a childhood book, but it has an entirely different poem! I'll have to see if I can find the book...I love the illustration too.

  16. Such a sweet poem and charming illustration!

    Happy May Day!


  17. And, A very happy may day to the two of you lovely ladies! Yes, that little pink dress is very cute.

    Hope the sun is shining on you!

  18. Love that beautiful poem and illustration--thanks, ladies!

    Happy May Day to you both!

  19. I so appreciate you sharing this, May Day is also my birthday!!!


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