Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The best part of waking up . . .

This is it!  This is what gets me going in the mornings! 
I admit it, I'm hooked!
It really gives me energy to get me through my day.  Mocha is my favorite flavor.
I only drink one a day, but I sure enjoy that one!

Warm weather has arrived this week.  It is time to bring out the big swanky swigs that
I collect.  I really like the BIG ones!
I thought you might like to have a look at my collection.

Whether it's a iced tea or iced coffee, these big glasses are just right.
This one with the pink swirls is one of my favorites.

I don't dare put any of these in the dishwasher because I couldn't bear
any of the design to wear off.

These were mostly made from the 30's to the 50's.

I hope you enjoyed having a peak at some of my glassware.  I am so fond of
kitchenware from that period. 

Thank you for dropping in for a visit.  I sure hope you all have a wonderful week!


  1. Talk about your tall glasses of water! These lovelies are perfect for major wet-yer-whistling-- love them!

  2. Oh my, they jolt the memory...I think we had some of the stripe ones (2nd from bottom) but I love, love, love the one that says FULL :D thanks for sharing...

  3. Hi, Twyla! What fun glasses! And maybe I'll try some of that Rock Star stuff on our trip! ♥

  4. It's fun to have different style glasses...I must admit I have some that have flowers on them..weakness..You have a fun collection.
    How far are you from my house???
    Very sweet book you rec'd from Grammy.
    Happy Tuesday.
    Deb :)

  5. I love your collection, especially that they are the big ones. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Love your glasses!! I'm addicted to the bottled Starbuck's Frappucinos myself, but I may have to try one of those.

  7. Great glasses, love the last one! Wonderful collection. I can't break my strong coffee jolt every morning but will have to try yours just to see what it's like! ;) Have a sunny day!

  8. What a great glass collection you have Twyla! Each one is so cute, but I especially love the flower cart one. And I wish I could drink those energy drinks, but they make me want to crawl out of my skin!

  9. Hi Twyla, I love your Swanky Swigs. Aren't they beautiful?!
    Thanks for the tip on Rockstar Mocha. I'll have to give one a try. For years now I've relied on one morning cappuccino to get me thru the day - and that has worked. But, hey, I'll try the Rockstar :)

  10. Hello Twyla, I LOVE your big glasses or 'Swanky Swigs' as you call them! My favorite is the pink swirls too but I like the one with the writing at the bottom...that's cute. Wish I could try that drink of yours but I can't have anything but decaf unfortunately. Oh well such is life. I hope you and Lindsey have a WONDERFUL day! Maura:)

  11. I have never had one of those energy drinks-if it tastes like an iced mocha from Starbucks then I will have to try it! All of those glasses remind me of my grandmothers!

  12. You're so funny, Twyla! It's good to admit our addictions, I guess!!! LOVE your glass collection--they're just fabulous!

    Hope you're having a wonderful day!

  13. Oh I love, love your glasses. I have some frosted iced tea glasses with carousel animals on them that I adore. Can't beat those glasses wit a retro or vintage look. Hugs, Kathleen

  14. Wow ..look at all those swanky swigs ..so so cute ..love em !!!

    My fix is a frozen Coca Cola or known to some as a coke slurpee ..when I'm down and neein a boost that's what gives me my go ...had quite a few last week before the show ..LOL !!!

    Wishing you a wonderful week Twyla !!

    Blessings ..Sara

  15. Twyla, What on earth are you drinking. Coffee that comes in a can? I have never heard of such a thing! Do you drink it cold? This just tickles me funny for some reason. Thank you for sharing your BIG swankies! I love them if for the name only! Have a great spring week ahead! Elizabeth

  16. Love, love, love your swanky swigs! What a fun collection. It would be so much fun to get to pick one to use during a visit.

  17. I love those glasses! I'm looking for some vintage beer glasses and a pitcher for this old keg dispencer that someone gave us.


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