Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Barbie Wednesday

Hello friends! This post is themed around vintage Barbie aprons!
This first one is from a set called "Barbie Q Ensemble" #962 from 1959.

This one is from "Barbie Baby-Sits" #953 from 1963. I have this sweet half apron. I love the pink stripes!

This apron comes from a series of matching travel costumes for both Barbie and Ken. This one is "Barbie In Holland" #823 from1964.

Another travel costume featuring an apron, is "Barbie In Switzerland" #822 from 1964.

Mattel also sold Fashion Paks. These accessory packs usually consisted of blouses, skirts, shoes and purses in colors that would match other Barbie clothes that you could buy. This apron set came in blue, red white. This apron was much like the apron from the Barbie - Q set. The "Barbie Fashion Pak Apron and Utensils" from 1962.

I hope you enjoyed seeing Barbie's aprons!
Wishing you a lovely day, Lindsey



  1. Hi, Lindsey,
    I always enjoy your Barbie posts.
    The vintage clothes are so much cuter than today's stuff. (just my opinion) :)


  2. Barbie has the best clothes!

    I posted some photos yesterday from the Barbie Wonder Room I was telling you about.

    Victoria xx

  3. I like the Barbie Q set best! ☺

  4. I love aprons and these are just precious. The Barbie Q one is my favorite! Thanks for sharing these with us. Have a blessed day!

  5. wonderful post, great aprons! I love barbie and so does my daughter. sweet sweet sweet!!
    have a great day

  6. I always enjoy your Barbie posts, and espcially this one because I love aprons of any kind. My older sister received a Barbie for Christmas the year I was born, 1959. We kept that one and added a few more to our collection over the next several years. Then, when I was 13 years old, we gave all our toys away. That first Barbie is one toy I wished we had kept! Thank you for bringing back such sweet memories with your Barbie posts.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  7. What a great idea to post about Barbie's aprons!! And I DID enjoy seeing them - but then I always love Barbie Wednesdays!!

  8. Good Morning Lindsey,

    First, let me answer your question from last week. I picked Midge because.....well, because I'm kind of a rebel and I thought Barbie was overrated. Midge was kind of the loner, cast-off, underdog..whatever term you wanna' use. She wasn't Barbie and that was like, she wasn't the star of the show, the most popular....I guess I related to Midge better.

    Thanks for sharing the apron images. It's funny how you don't think of or remember stuff until it's brought right back in front of you. I loved those miniature utensils.......still do!


  9. Those are absolutely darling! How fun! I loved seeing all of it!

  10. I just love Barbie Wednesdays because I always get to see a photo that brings back a great memory!!!!! I had the red apron set that is in the last photo....gosh I wish I had that Barbie stuff now! :) Have a great day you two! :)

  11. thank you for sharing ... barbie
    i remember saving enough money to buy my first one ... $2.98 ... and i picked the ponytail blonde with the black & white bathing suit ... the clothes were so fun
    i will look forward to your future posts... xobonnie:o)

  12. i have the striped apron from my older sisters!

    could i ask some advice? i have some barbies from the 90s that i just posted on ebay. i have no idea about pricing. can you look at them and let me know if they're too high? thanks so much!


  13. I LOVED my Barbie....I don't remember having any of these lovely little aprons though. So cute.

    Warm blessings,

  14. Thanks for the memories. It is amazing what we paid for things back then and what they cost today. I always enjoy revisiting my childhood. Enjoy the rest of the week.

  15. that Midge holding Ken's hand? What in the world will Barbie think and then who is with Barbie? I see they had chaos even back then!
    Love the aprons...the charm of it all...just love it! Makes me want to get down on the floor and play Barbies.

  16. How interesting! I love seeing your Barbies! I was in Target yesterday and stood in the doll aisle looking at all the new Barbies! I loved the ones in black classic outfits. I would love to get one of those...but which one! heehee! ♥

  17. I actually have the 1964 barbie and ken in holland. I am doing some research on them because I would like to sell them! If you have any advice please email me at


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