Sunday, March 7, 2010

Betsey Clark

When I was  a teenager, Betsey Clark was very popular.
I always loved her gentle sweetness.
I would like to share some of these illustrations with you throughout this Easter season.

Wishing you a blessed and happy Sunday!
Twyla and Lindsey


  1. What a delightful coincidence! I recently found myself looking for BC images! Thanks for sharing this one.
    Have a great Sunday, girls!

  2. I love Betsey Clark, too! In fact, our twin daughters' baby books are the BC "Baby Days" published by Hallmark in the late '70's/early 80's. I used one of her baby announcements for our son. I think it says, "We Have a Wonderful Bundle of Boy!" on the front.Brings back good memories!
    Blessings, Sarita

  3. Hi Girls. I remember these. Aren't those little chicks the sweetest things. Thanks for always thinking of us and sharing with us.

    Have a blessed Sunday. Hugs...Tracy :)

  4. Oh, my, Twyla! I remember these, too! I had so many Betsey Clarke things...Mom and I loved her sweet illustrations! I haven't thought of these in a million years (almost literally!)

    Thanks for sharing this tonight--looking forward to more!

    Hope you're both having a lovely weekend!

  5. Had never heart of Betsey Clarke ... her style is so so sweet! Thanks for sharing. Off to google this lovely lady....
    Have a happy week ahead!

  6. An apron full of chicks! How fun! ♥

  7. Oh Yes, I do remember Betsy Clark!!
    Have a Peaceful Sunday....

  8. Sweet image dear friend! Love that Betsey Clark!

  9. I just loved those things when I was an early teenager. I remember looking at all of it at Hallmark. Seems like I had a nightgown or something with one of her pictures on it.

  10. Good morning Twyla and Lindsey. Oh thank you ladies for joining me in my wonderful journey into blogging. I just love to have the company. I have been going through my Barbie collection and getting some pictures ready to share. I have to say that I was very excited to see on your earlier post, the green suitcase. My sister has that same case!! Does that bring back some great childhood memories. Isn't that what it is all about. Thank you for sharing.

  11. I recently found some larger postcard images of Betsey Clark. I loved her, too!!!

  12. Oh my goodness, I had forgotten all about Betsey Clark and her wonderful artwork! Please keep the BC illustrations coming. They bring back great memories!
    Happy Sunday!

  13. We all loved Betsey Clark!! So sweet.

  14. I loved her as well Twyla! It brought back some great memeories and thanks for sharing!~~Becky Happy Sunday!

  15. memories that was.Wow I need to find a kit of something to teach me to spelll,LOL.

  16. That is just darling, love that Betsey Clark! Your blog is great, nice and cozy and full of good things!

  17. How adorable, always a favorite! Have a fun day girls!

  18. I remember when you could find Betsey Clarks little cute things everywhere. I even bought my daughter Jenny a Bible with these darling little cutties on it.
    I am sure if I were to dig into that old box of stuff you never throw away I would find some cards.
    Have a wonderful Sunday. Today we are off to Summit's 10th Birthday party...Hugs, Mary

  19. Oh yes! I remember her adorable little works of art! What a sweet reminder for a Sunday afternoon! Thanks and have a lovely day! Hugs, Coralie

  20. Hi Ladies, I remember those!! very sweet..Have a nice Sunday! Hugs, Jennifer

  21. Ahhh, Betsey Clark... that really brings back memories! I loved everything Betsey Clark when I was a little girl! Thanks for bringing back sweet memories!

  22. So sweet! I remember these from when I was little!!! Thank you foe sharing!

  23. How sweet...makes us all remember the sweetness! ♥

  24. You bring back such wonderful memories with your post. I have some of her cards that are in one of the many boxes that I need to go through yet that I brought home from my mother-in-laws. Thank you for sharing.

  25. I remember these...they were so cute! Thank you for bringing back the memories girls....Maura

  26. Betsey Clark was one of my absolute favorites growing up too!

    Happy Monday to you!

  27. Oh I love her work too! It an dHolly Hobby were my favorites!!
    Hugs, Lisa


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