Tuesday, February 2, 2010

'Needle Love'

Hello!  If you've read our blog very long you know how I love to knit and crochet.
Lindsey found these two adorable Valentines in her collection featuring knitting.

I don't know if you can see it here, but there is real yarn on the card above.

Since Christmas I have crocheted three afghans.  This is the latest one I am working on and I'm about half way done!

It's now Sweetheart month!  I love all the sweet hearted people who leave us such kind comments.
Thank you so much!  You make our day!
See you tomorrow with more vintage Valentine fun!


Tammy/Yesterday's Cottage said...

Hey girls! Thank you! You made my day!
Love your vintage valentines - we were married on Valentines Day 1988and decorated our cake table with some beautiful ones. I set them out each year with our Valentine decor. I'll have to do a blog post with them soon so that I can share.
Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

These Valentines are too cute and what a beautiful afghan! I also loved yesterday trains- the Valentine card and the sweet baby planter. Blessings to all - Sarita

JANN said...


Hearts Turned said...

Fabulous Valentines and what a beautiful afghan, Twyla! I still haven't gotten to start my ripple yet--looking forward to things calming down a bit this week! Love all you both do--thanks for sharing so much with us!

~Tonja~ said...

Oh Twyla your afghan is so beautiful
and those cards are so sweet...thank
you for sharing with us...Have a
Blessed day...
Sweet Blessings...

Anonymous said...

Hi Twyla...
These are very cute, and clever to have real yarn on one! I really do love the "old" art and the way the artists thought about things...
Your latest afghan is beautiful... I love the softness of the colors. Your fingers must fly mighty fast to make so many pretty afghans in such a short amount of time! I am very impressed!!
Hope you have a fantastic day!

~ hugs 'n love ~
Pearl ♥
~ I "needle" lot of Romance, too!!

Unknown said...

Hi Twyla. My heart just goes pitter-patter every time I see a post from ya'll cause I know it will have the sweetest little cards and images.

oooxxx's...Tracy :)

Beansieleigh said...

Where are the CROCHETING valentines, Lindsey? (0; I never could get the hang of knitting, but these little valentines are still adorable! LOVE your afghan too, Twyla! ~tina

Anonymous said...

I can remember when greeting cards had things like yarn or rinestones or feathers to enhance the message!! Back-in-the-day!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Twyla! Oh yes, I see it! The yarn is a special touch!

Well, you're just a crocheting machine- ain'tcha? ☺

I've been sleeping like a baby over here and I feel so much better! ♥

GerryART said...

I've really been enjoying your vintage valentines.
Thanks for sharing them with us.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing some crocheted projects! A crocheted heart banner perhaps?? ;) xox

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Hi Twyla:
Love the colors in your afghan! Thanks again for the Valentines. (I can see the yarn and didn't even need 3-D glasses!)

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Hi Twyla:
Love the colors in your afghan! Thanks again for the Valentines. (I can see the yarn and didn't even need 3-D glasses!)

GardenOfDaisies said...

Those two valentines are the cutest!

Julie said...

Ok these are my favorites! And your afgans are so pretty!

Simply Shelley said...

These Valentines are so cute...You two have quite the collection...I have passed you an award...you can find it on todays post if you like...blessings

★Carol★ said...

I love the colors you're using on your afghan, and those valentines are so perfect for you! Now if only you could find one with ribbon and scissors on it, it would be perfect for Lindsey!
Have a great day!

Jenny said...

Do you sleep? hehehe! Three afgans is amazing!! I may have to put in an order for one!! ;>)

Cora said...

Beautiful afghans! Love the colors. Love the vintage valentines too....so unique!!

Dogwood said...

Three afghans since Christmas!!?? Wow. Love the combination of colors.

Love the vintage Valentine with the knitting little gal.

Auntie Cake said...

You have completed three afghans since Christmastime? Wow! I seriously don't know how you do it. I love the colors you used, so soft and pretty. And Lindsey's knitting Valentine is right up your alley. I adore the detail of the yarn.

It's cold here today, I could use one of your afghans!

Sally Annie Magundy said...

Hi Twyla!
Oh gosh, I just love your collection of vintage cards, so wonderful.
You are a dynamo - three afghans since Christmas!!! I so want to learn to knit and crochet but fear I have put it off too long??? I'm klutzy and my left hand especially - I fear pulling all of my hair out in frustration. Woe is me.
I'm so glad you enjoyed the blogs - I always think of you when I post the list. I smiled to myself when I came across l'Opale d'Arthenice, I just knew you'd love the vintage images. :)
Happy happy Tuesday to you!

LiLi M. said...

It's getting more crowdy here each day and I love it as you girls deserve a big audience! Love the knitting themed Valentines' cards. And I love your crochet work, the colors are so beautiful! Thanks for another lovely post!

Nancy Jo said...

Hi Girls,
Don't you just love Valentine Things? I was at the thrift this morning and told the girl there to watch for Valentine boxes for me after the 14th. I almost won a bunch of Valentine stuff on E'bay but at the last minute someone outbid me.Hope all is well in your world.
Nancy Jo

Annalisa said...

Your Valentines are awesome!Love the colours of the afghans.
Have a lovely evening,

barncat (Lisa) said...

Just wanted to say thanks for all the wonderful cards you've been sharing with us, I've used a few, and I just posted one on my blog (with a link to you, hope that's OK!)

I can't believe you've made 3 afghans since Christmas, and all beautiful!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Twyla dearest, thank you for always coming to leave a comment! Your knitting goodies are so adorable! Anita

Unknown said...

Twyla, your afghan colors are so beautiful! So very romantic. Lindsey's paper bag album turned out so wonderfully! I just love her work. Thanks for all the beautiful Valentines you have shared - I have saved every one! Elizabeth

Holly Hall said...

Cute valentines!

I love the colors you chose for the afghan too.

Shirley said...

Your afghan is pretty colors.I have a couple that is made the ripple effect.I don't know about you and your crocheting, but I find my embroidering is relaxing. I loved your Valentine collection and you can see the yarn. There is some really neat ones out there. You all take care

LeeAnn said...

These Valentines, just get cuter every day! I LOVE the little kitty knitting - that is the cutest one yet.

Your afghan is quite beautiful. Very nice choice of colors.

Cheryl said...

Love the Valentines. They bring back memories of taking Valentines to school and we all exchanged them.

Very pretty afghan!

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

You two crack me up. I dont know how you stay on top of your blog the way you do with so many cute things. You must have a magic wand!

Julie Ranae said...

Great tie-in with the yarn and the afghan....by the way, LOVE the colors of that yarn!

Just a heads up....getting closer to getting something up and running with the vintage challenge...YAY!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Very pretty vintage valentines. Love the little bit of yarn on that first one. Is this another afghan in a half double crochet? Love your color combinations. I've started one but find the colors very boring. I need to add something fun to the mix. Have a great day! Blessings, Tammy

Anonymous said...

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