Monday, February 1, 2010

Choo Choo!

Hello!  Let's take a ride to Valentine's day! 
Today we share Valentines that feature trains.

Isn't this puppy the cutest?!

We hope you are enjoying these cards!
 Have a happy day!
Twyla and Lindsey


Irma said...

ohhh i love your beautiful cards en the train is so cute.

Have a nice week, greetings from Irma from Holland xxx

Annalisa said...

Great cards,and sweet puppy!
Have a lovely week.

Hearts Turned said...

Always the sweetest Valentines are found here--thanks for always sharing your beautiful finds! Hope you're both having a wonderful night!

Mrs Twins said...

Beautiful Valentines cards are to be found on here!
Hugs and Love Suex

Christy said...

valentine cuteness!!

Anonymous said...

Love the Vintage Valentine's!!

Kelly said...

Your cards are always fab!
I really need to make something this year! Your lovely vintage images should make for a special card!

~Tonja~ said...

Your cards are so adorable...thanks for the train ride.....
Have a Blessed day...
Sweet Blessings...

Anonymous said...

Choo-choo-choose! ☺ Too cute!

Your display is very sweet too! ♥

NanE said...

Thank you for so generously sharing your fab cards and creative ideas!

Stacey said...

So sweet and innocent. :)

Julie said...

These cards must be from the 60's because once again they sure look alot like the ones I gave out!

★Carol★ said...

The valentines are really cute, but I love the spice jars and kitty planter!
Happy Monday!

Anonymous said...

I thought of you this past weekend as I came across some vintage valentines in an antique shop...I almost bought them...but they were waaaay to expensive! They wanted $10 a piece!
I LOVE the Valentines you create :)

My Vintage Studio said...

Thank you for visiting my blog this weekend and leaving such kind words.

Your vintage Valentines are so cute! Thank you for sharing.

Wishing you a wonderful and creative week.

Blessings, Sharon

Sherry said...

So cute! My Jesse loves trains so I think I'll borrow this and make him a Valentines Card.

Thanks for sharing!

Simply Shelley said...

These are very sweet little cards....I am loving that cute little baby planter as well...I also have a train planter that plays music.....pray you both have a very blessed week.....

Heartfelt living said...

What sweet Valentine cards. I just love the puppy! Oh and your spice jars and canister set is just beautiful!
Have a great day ladies,

LiLi M. said...

My husband and son just started to build a train model landscape (mmm don't know whether this is English, hope you understand what I mean). So I can use these two Valentine cards very well, thanks!

Celestial Charms said...

That ceramic train planter with kitty is adorable. Love the valentines.

Sally Annie Magundy said...

Hi Twyla,
I adore your little china choo choo train, so darling!
Happy Monday!

Shirley said...

I love the train valentine. It would fit right in at my house. Hubby is a train nut that collects trains of different sizes. He wanted to cut holes in the walls so he could run his train through the house. I said no, he has one side of a two car garage, I feel that is enough. Take care

Dogwood said...

I made my Valentin's cards and some ATC last weekend. Lots of fun. I used some of your wonderful vintage cards. They turned out really cute. Thanks.

Have a happy evening...

Unknown said...

I love trains...I love to hear the whistle blowing and I love the thought of a Valentine Train Ride...candy hearts for everyone and red velvet seats! down thee tracks!

Loretta said...

You have one of the cutest blogs around; I adore the vintage Valentines that you post! Thanks a bunch.

Anonymous said...

Very Cute!
My favorite train in this post is your Vintage planter ...
I'm in love with that kitten 'n the delicate blue forget-me-nots.
Thank you for sharing!

~ blessings ~
Pearl ♥

Lemon Lane Studio said...

Oh how grandson is a choo choo nut right now. Just love it!

Christie said...

That kitty in the train planter is so adorable and so are all of your Valentines too!
Hope you are having a great weekend....thanks for stopping by recently...
Big hugs,