Hello Friends! It's time for another Barbie Wednesday!
You might remember this American Girl Barbie that my Brother gave me for my Birthday?
You might remember this American Girl Barbie that my Brother gave me for my Birthday?
He gave me the shoes for Christmas! Original pairs of Barbie heels can be hard to find when you need a specific color and I needed the pair that came with the doll and matched her turquoise bathing suit.
I also received a black and white swimsuit! Something that is so recognizable with Barbie but had yet to find it's way into my collection. I haven't put it on one of my Barbies yet, as I don't want to accidentally stretch the fabric.
I love Hallmark Barbie ornaments and I was lucky enough to get this awesome pair!
Miniature replicas of the original pair and their boxes.
These are definitely two of my favorite in my Hallmark collection.
If you missed these ornaments at Christmas, I recommend looking them up on amazon
or ebay.
Thank you for stopping by!
I hope you are having a lovely week so far!
Gotta love the turquoise heeels!!
I always loved playing with my Barbies. My favorite was one that wore a metallic gold dress.
I love your American Girl Barbie. I have one with short hair and one with long hair. Her Turquoise blue shoes are a must to match her swim suit! I never did see those ornaments during the holidays. I must shop at the wrong stores!
I have been visiting you a lot latel and want to thank-you for all the beautiful Valentine's...m..
Thanks for a great Barbie Wednesday! Those shoes are hard to find - I am glad you found the color you needed. I'm glad you mentioned the ornaments may be on amazon - being ill this year, I didn't make it to the Hallmark store in time to get these ornaments, so I will check amazon.
Twyla - your picture from yesterday is BEAUTIFUL! Your son has a good eye for gifts.
Love, Sarita
Love the heels, Lindsey! I can remember chewing on Barbie shoes when I was little! ♥
Cutest doggone little shoes. My grandbabies love tiny shoes and purses for their dolls. It is hard to keep up with them:) Love the ornaments too, I must go search them out. My niece has a large Barbie collection. Have a blessed day my friend!
Hi Lyndsey! LOVE the ornaments!.. And good to see Barbie Wednesday up and running again! ~tina
How cool! You have the best collection! I love Barbie she was my best friend for many many years, I played with them longer than any of my friends. My mom stil comments if you were little you would have to have that Barbie! I have SOOOOO many collections now I don't have as many, But I still love her!
Hugs, Lisa
Oh, the Barbie with the striped bathing suit and blonde hair--my first one I owned--I loved her--after I loved her to death--I moved on to the bubble-cut hair Barbie--I still have her (from 1963 or 64--not sure)
I love your vintage Barbies! Check out my latest blog post. I decided to make all the outfits on a vintage Barbie pattern I had. I had soooo much fun and really loved how they turned out!
I had that Barbie too ! I think it is in a box in my mom's attic ~
I need to dig those old Barbies out ~
Although I never owned a Barbie as I child, I can apreciate the beauty and glamour of Vintage Barbie. I guess as a child I was not comfortable with Barbie's towering perfection. I prefered the earthy accessability of the Troll Doll.
Second Hand Chicks
I love the shoes and what a great color they are! My daughters have my old Barbies I need to ask them where they are!!!!
These are amazing...thank you for sharing. I so remember those shoes..I think I had a pair in every colour. Oh how I love Barbie...xoxoxo
I love your fun Barbie posts....thanks so much sharing...blessings
Great that you managed to find the right color open toes! When I was a little girl I was dreaming of these high heels. When I grew up I was planning to wear them all the time, just like Barbie, says she who is wearing Uggs right now... hehehe. I sure wish I could walk on these OT's all day!
Lindsey, It would be wonderful if you would post a Barbie wish list. My antique mall has skads of individual pieces that I often think "I wonder if Lindsey needs that?" So fun so see Barbie Wednesday again! E
I have missed Barbie Wednesdays!
Very cute ornaments.
I Love the Old Vintage Barbie.... from the look of your post & the previous one, Your Family knows you well & give Fabulous Gifts
Oh, how I love Barbie... sigh. I never ever seemed to have enough Barbie shoes-- they always seemed to disappear so fast! I love those turqoise shoes!
Love some Barbie!!
My daughter had a barbie collection and my mother would make her doll clothes for a Christmas Present. She would even crochet dresses and purses. It brought back so many wonderful memories of doll shopping with her when she was little We never get to old for dolls. Take care
My Oh My. What is Barbie Wednesday and how do I sign up. Is it once a month, weekly, and are you the host. My barbies and I would love to share. Thank you for your response.
Fantastic! loving the Hallmark decorations! I only have one though!
Just stopped by to say "hi" because I really like you two ladies.
I am not really a fan of Barb and gang but that is OK. My daughter was a tom boy and never played with dolls so I missed out on the whole Barbie and Ken thing.
Hugs to you...
always loved barbie's shoes. and skipper's, too, of course!
happy belated barbie wednesday!
Hi Lindsey! I wanted to know if either you or Twyla would like to participate in my tag swap. It is a doozy; so please know it is absolutely okay to say no. I have saved you a spot just in case. Let me know! Have a wonderful weekend! E
I'm so happy to have the Barbie Wednesday back! You may want to pop over to The Enchanted Playhouse bake sale and yard sale. Barbie and friends arrived as news reporters!
Kelly & I are off to Selfridges on Tuesday as they're releasing the Mad Hatter doll for the new film
Victoria xx
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