Thursday, February 4, 2010

400th Post Giveaway!

Hello dear friends!
 We have arrived at 400 posts!  We can scarcely believe it ourselves!


I hope that all who read our blog know how much we enjoy each and every one of you. 
We appreciate you and we are so glad that you enjoy seeing the things that we do.

We felt it was time for a giveaway!

Lindsey made these tags from a very special image.

She also altered this very pretty bottle with a promise of a special potion!

This heart is made of tea dyed muslin, Lindsey stamped and I assembled the heart that can be hung or used as a pin cushion.  There are even two very cute pins already in it.

Just leave a comment on this post to be entered into the drawing. 
We will draw Friday night at midnight!
Thank you all so much!
Have a great day!
Twyla and Lindsey


SharDon Exclusives said...

I wanted to say that this is my first time on your LOVELY blog. I love all of the Valentines that you have posted! I am a follower and will add you to my blog roll. Your ideas are so lovely and inspirational.
Please find that I have a beaded bracelet giveaway that I would love for you to stop by and sign up for,

Anonymous said...

YAY - 400 posts and a giveaway to boot! I can hardly believe you two have been blogging that much, but I have enjoyed each and every post.
Love to both of you - Sarita

Sandra said... have a great blog and post so many inspiring things for your readers...hope there are another 400 posts for you in the future because I will be reading each one!


Annalisa said...

Congrats on your 400th post!!!So many! And each one is so original and creative!!!

I love the tags, they're so romantic and elegant!

And the heart is so cute! Compliments to Lindsey!!!

again, congrats on your 400th post, but most of all, on your wonderful creative blog!

Annalisa@cooking easy

Pierelantijntjes said...

Hello Twyla and Lindsey
400 posts, and they all are so beautifull!
Every day when i check the blogs i follow i can not wait to see what you have made.
Really really love it.
And now a give away! Super.
Thanks for sharing you're creations


Hope said...

400 posts! woo-hoo! congrats!

Hope said...

400 posts! woo-hoo! congrats!

Beth Gales said...

Oh what a sweet idea for a giveaway! 400 posts is a great accomplishment! Congrats!

Donna said...

Hi, T & L!!

What adorable little giveaway goodies. Love the Love Potion #9!hehehehehe

Please enter me :)


Donna said...

Oops! I forgot to say Congrats on your 400th post.


Anonymous said...

on 400 posts !!

Amazing at how time flies when you're having fun, isn't it?! LOL

Lindsey's tags 'n love potion bottle are adorable... and I love the pincushion heart you've created, too! So very sweet of y'all to offer them all ♥

I've truly enjoyed your beautiful blog, and am looking forward to the next 400 posts! Thank you for all that you share... but what I'm truly grateful for is our friendship, and the kindnesses you've always shown to everyone... May God continue to bless you as the blessings you give to others keep warming hearts all over blogland ♥

~ hugs 'n love ~
Pearl ♥

Free Pretty Things For You said...

yay! 400 post!! the giveaway is SOOO pretty!! :)
I have one going on too!

Mami said...

I love your blog and creations!
May i count me,please.

Nan said...

Yeah Congratulations on your 400th post. You two girls are such a pleasure to read each day. Love Nan

Stacy said...

Congrats on 400 posts! Thank you for the generous giveaway. Everything is so cute.

Susie's country cottage said...

400 posts...that's amazing. I'm not sure I will ever get to that! I love reading your posts and seeing all the wonderful things you create. You have some very pretty things in your giveaway. Please count me in.

Beansieleigh said...

Congratulations! It's always a pleasure coming here.. LOVE all the crafts, and your Barbie Wednesdays too! Please do count me in for your giveaway drawing! Thanks! ~tina

Anonymous said...

Thanks, girls! The give away is super sweet- just like you! Wasn't "Love Potion Number Nine" a song?

All is well on my blog this morning. I was afraid my blog was done for. I think I've decided to get one of those blog books! ♥

Anonymous said...

WOW! 400 posts! Congratulations!
What a lovely giveaway...thank you for the opportunity to win!

Lori Lynn said...

Congrats on 400!! What a lovely sweet giveaway. I would love a chance to win them.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Llyn M ♥

Stacey said...

Wow girls great job! You make an excellent team. :)

Scrap for Joy said...

400 posts-it will take me 10 years to get to that accomplishment! Congratulations! This Valentine series has been the most delightful excursion...I hope you're already cooking up stuff for Spring/Easter. No pressure here-LOL! Your offerings for this giveaway are so yummy! (Love the pillow!!!)Thanks girlies!

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Hi Twyla and Lindsey:
What lovely giveaway goodies. Congratulations on your 400th Post! Woo Hoo!!!

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

WOW 400 posts! Congrats

Victoria xx

Julie Ann said...

Congratulations on 400 posts!! That's a lot of hard work! I hope you've enjoyed the ride as much as we've enjoyed riding along with you!

Hearts Turned said...

Oh, how fun, ladies! Congratulations on 400!!! I just barely past 100--I'm just a blogging baby! What lovely stuff for your giveaway--it's all Valentine perfection!

Have a marvellous day!

Hearts Turned said...

Oh, how fun, ladies! Congratulations on 400!!! I just barely past 100--I'm just a blogging baby! What lovely stuff for your giveaway--it's all Valentine perfection!

Have a marvellous day!

Traci said...

Yippee...400 posts! You have a wonderful blog. What a cute pin cushion.

Happy@Home said...

Congratulations on 400 posts. Your blog is always such a sweet and inspiring place to visit.

Beautiful things you have created for your giveaway. I would love to have my name thrown in the hat.

Thanks so much.

Mrs Twins said...

Hello you two! :)
Goodness 400th! Congratulations to you both! That really is something to be proud of! Well done.
I'm wondering what you'll be doing for Easter! These Valentine Goodies are just so fantastic!
Hugs and Love to you both,

Karen said...

Everything is so cute. Your blog has become very inspirational to me. I know I can always find something new there each day. Thanks for sharing!
Some days are diamonds

Madison said...

OMG I love ALL of them! I would LOVE to win! Please enter me! My fave thing has to be the heart! I might get a sewing machine for my birthday this year so I would put that heart to good use! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

Cookbook Queen said...

How adorable, you guys are so stinkin talented!! I would love to win.

LBP said...

Congratulations on 400 posts! I would love to be entered into your very pretty giveaway@



SueLovesCherries said...

WOW! 400 posts - you guys sure have been busy little beavers! I so enjoy visiting your blog every day!

Sundance Kid said...

Thank you for the opportunity! Love your blog and LOVE this giveaway!


Congratulations lovely ladies! What a milestone. I enjoy your blog so much, and have been greatly inspired by it, What a beautiful giveaway! Hugs, Linda

My Vintage Studio said...

I Love to visit your blog. I would be honored to win your give away. Please enter my name in your give away.

Thank you for sharing all of you lovely photos!


The Old Parsonage said...

Congrats Ladies! So glad that I found you and became a follower. I wouldn't want to miss a thing. Throw my hat in the ring for the giveaway!


Esther said...

So glad to meet you all!

Thanks for such an interesting and informative "pink blog"!

May I please be entered in your "give away?"

Valarie said...

Congratulations on 400 posts. Quite an accomplishment. What a wonderful giveaway. Have a lovely day.
xxoo Valarie

Dogwood said...

I love your blog as you already know. I have been enjoying all your vintage Valentine cards.

Oh, what a precious give-away. Whoever wins will be one very lucky person!

Sweetness to the two of you.

Mona @ la la by mona said...

What a sweet idea. Thanks for 400 lovely posts! Looking forward to more!


WOW...400 posts!!! You guys have shared so many wonderful things with us and I am so thankful!! Your friendship mean a lot to me!!!
Thank you for having a giveaway and please enter my name! Thank you!
You almost have 400 followers too!
Deb :)

Sherry said...

I would LOVE to win your giveaway!! Lindsey made some really nice things!! I'm so glad I've gotten to know you and Lindsey through are great friends!!


Cora said...'ve come a long way with lots of cute cute stuff to share with us. Thanks for an opportunity to win something so nice and cute! Love it all!

Lovely Day said...

What a cute bundle of things to win! I love your blog! You two are so creative! LOVE it!

Kelly Moore

Brenda Pruitt said...

I adore every single thing you make! All so utterly adorable!

Heartfelt living said...

Congratulatons on your 400th post!
I have enjoyed all of them. : ) You both are so creative and very inspirational.
Here's to 400 more!

Kathy said...


LiLi M. said...

Congrats on 400 posts! I'm looking forward to the next 400 already! No, I just want to thank you for all lovely posts I (and so many others) have been enjoying here, keep up the good work ladies!

Celestial Charms said...

Congrats on reaching 400. What an accomplishment. Your giveaway contains such beautiful and creative pretties. You are both so generous.

Sally Annie Magundy said...

Oh my gosh, 400 posts, what an accomplishment!

Happy Thursday and Happy 400th post!

Julie Ranae said...

You girls entertain us in a variety of lovely ways with each post...CONGRATULATIONS on 400 unique and entertaining posts!

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Congratulations on your 400th post!!! What an accomplishment and I see you've also been published in Artful Blogging! I'm so proud of all you've accomplished...and you have been such good friends and always offering the best tutorials and most interesting posts! It's just pure pleasure visiting you and your beautiful blog! Thanks and enjoy you days! (Oh, and please enter me in your delightful giveaway!) Hugs, Coralie

Linda Gilliam said...

WOW 400 posts..that is TERRIFIC!
Congrats to both of you for a job well done and looking SO forward to your next 4000!
Lindsey it's so nice to see a young lady who appreciates vintage things and the history of where we come from, I so enjoy your tutorials and lovely posts...
Twyla, your crochet is beautiful and thank you for patterns like the heart, please post more! You have both done a fabulous job on the blog, I have it set as one of my home pages!
Congrats again and thanks for the opportunity to win the beautiful blog candy!

Jenny said...

I would be honored to win a giveaway from you guys!! Woohoo! Add me in!

Cathy said...

Hi there
These make me smile :)
Love angels and OH Love potion #9 memories

The Feathered Nest said...

Hi sweet girls!!!! I would LOVE to be entered!!! I love all that you make and all that you share...congratulations on 400 posts!! Here's to many, many more to come ~ hugs and love, Dawn
I'll be sure to post about it too!!!

★Carol★ said...

Congrats on 400 posts! Wow! And every single one is so fun to read, always has something pretty to look at, and you're both so generous with sharing your ideas. Thank you for the chance to win this sweet giveaway!

Jill said...

Congrats on your 400th post! I love your blog-- you two inspire me!

Anonymous said...

Wow congrats on the 400 posts.I love this giveaway, I love tea dyed as well.When I did some sketching last winter I tea dyed the paper.The bottle is cute!

~Tonja~ said...

Hi Girls...Congrats on 400 posts that is awesome...and what sweet offerings you are giving away....please enter me in for a your blog...Have a great evening...
Sweet Blessings...

Cheryl said...

400 post !! Wonderful !!

And wonderful you blog is, I look forward every evening to see whats been happening in the Crafters world. You guys have such great ideals.

Please enter me in the drawing, I would be honored to win!

Looking forward to 400 more post!

Elyse said...

happy 400th post! wow -- what a milestone. i think it deserves some cupcakes at the 2CC household!

your giveaway prizes are adorable. the love potion bottle is so creative! love it!

here's to many, many more posts!


where's barbie? out with ken, no doubt! ;)

Rochelle said...

L*O*V*E* these tags and giveaway gifts!

GerryART said...

The Vintage Valentines are great giveaways. I love each and every one.
And, now a 400th Post Giveaway.
What a giveaway it is.
Thanks for the chance to participate - maybe, I'll win.
Congrats on sooo many posts,

Shirley said...

Wow Congradulations on your 400th post. I had to come and see what you were doing today.It is so much fun. I am still going to try to find the time to try to make me a Valentine Heart. I should have paid more attention to my mother and mother-in-law's crocheting. They say it will come back we shall see. Take care

The Wrought Iron Gate said...

Congratulations, Twyla and Lindsey, on your 400th post. WOW!

I love all the vintage valentines you've posted, they are so dear. Lindsey, I've made two paper bag albums. Wonderful tutorial.

Best Wishes,

Dixie said...

Congratulations on your 400th post... you wonderful blog is a daily inspiration! Good luck on the next 400!

blessings. Dixie

Lemon Lane Studio said...

Just love your's to 400 more.

Anonymous said...

Wow 400 posts!

I enjoy reading your blog
daily. Congrats Twyla & Lindsey!


Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

I am so glad to meet you. I thank-you for all the vintage Valentine Images. I teach children at my church and we make cards for the sick and those who are shut-in. These will help us with our cards. Thank-you for the chance to win your give-a-way...m..

Betty said...

Oh my goodness 400 posts!! Good for you!! Happy blogaversary~

Loretta said...

I nearly missed the giveaway post! I love your blog and your projects. I haven't tried them yet, but have saved most of the Valentines. Thanks so very much for all your hard work!

Unknown said...

I`m very happy, that I found your lovely blog!
Happy blogaversary!
I love your great projects!
Thank you for the chance to win your great candy!

Have a nice day

Susan Parnell said...

Oh what lovely goodies! I just love your vintage style!

Thank you,
Susan Parnell

GardenOfDaisies said...

WOW!! Happy 400th post!!! That's amazing! I'll have to celebrate when I finally get to 100... but at this rate it might a while, LOL!!

Evelyn ( said...

Enjoy reading your blog - always feel inspired. Thank you for offering a chance to win a great prize.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You always have the prettiest things in your giveaways! I can't resist entering again...I feel greedy though since I won last time! I'm so happy for you and for Happy Blogging! ENJOY! ♥

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Congratulations Lyndsey Twyla,
400 posts, SWEET. I have so enjoyed coming here to visit with you two beautiful ladies, and you both have so inspired me to create. I love your style and your stories that you add are so cute. Love it.

Please enter me into the drawing. I love the heart. It is just precious. I am having my 200th post giveaway. Please stop by as well.

Country hugs and much love...Sherry

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Love your happy I found you this morning...what took me so long...hahaha
Please enter me in your lovely giveaway and I am so looking forward to following your creative site
I do a Temptation Mondays site if your interested in putting anything on it just let me know

Maple Ridge Vintage said...

congrats! on your 400th post....WoW! I love the look of your blog. Please enter me in your giveaway. I am having one of my own too. please come see me!

Raspberries and Rose Petals said...

Congrats on 400! Wow! And thanks for the chance to be the home of these cute Valentine treats! I like treats that don't go right to my waistline! :)

Happy Friday!

stefanie said...

I am in LOVE with that pin cushion, please enter me...thank you sooo much

Vintagesquirrel said...

Wow...400? That's certainly an accomplishment! I'd love to be entered to win these sweet treasures.

Becky said...

Quite an accomplishment ~ thanks for your gracious giveaway.

Everything is a-dor-a-belle!!!!

Count me in.



she dreams big! said...

Don't ya just love the look of vintage valentines! Nothing like that anymore. You two make a fabulous team - both creative and talented! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Your items on the give-away are just darling. Love them all!

April but some call me Prilyy said...

How scrumpcious!!!!!!!!! i hope i win!!! your blog is beautiful!!!!

BellaRosa said...

My stars ladies, 400 posts!! I think that is awsome! I think I have maybe 40 :) Heres to hundreds more beautiful posts from you both :) Please enter me in your lovely giveaway too! Besos, Rose

annemarie said...

What a fantastic giveaway - my fingers are crossed. 400 posts is unbelievable - keep it up.

Unknown said...

Wonderful give away...please include me! Can't imagine four hundred posts...such an accomplishment!

Auntie Cake said...

I am so loving all you are giving away! How could I not??? I love the bottle, and the sweet little heart, and those tags are just too cute. You two always have the best ideas... Have a great weekend.
PS- by the way, I did notice that the Love Potion #9 is all used up! Hope it worked well for you!

angelandspot said...

Lovely items. I really like all of them. They are so pretty.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 400 posts! WOW! Count me in for the cuties! ~ Heidi

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 400 post! These valentines remind me of grade school!

Sue said...

Flashback to grade school--yikes!! Congratulations!

Vivianapachecofineart said...

Awww, such sweet stuff, my fave is the's how my heart used to feel before my son was born!!!

Gloria Jean said...

What a lovely give away for Valentine Day. Congratution on your 400th post. WOW!!! I've only had my blog for a week and I have did two post. Please enter me in you contest .
Thank you

Wendy said...

CONGRATULATIONS! What a wonderful giveaway and lovely blog. Ü

Lisa Lectura Creations said...

Congrats on your 400th post! Your giveaway is fabulous! Please add my name to your drawing. I would love the chance to win your goodies.

Lisa :)

Simply Jessabells said...

Wow, 400 posts. That is going to take me forever to get too. Thanks so much for the chance to enter this giveaway! Cheers! To another 400 more!


Michelle Palmer said...

400 FANTASTIC posts! Congratulations & thank you for all the wonderful words, photos... sharing~
Looking forward to the next!
Wishing you both the best~

aimee said...

congrats! what a sweet giveaway and i enjoyed my visit to your blog. i hope im not too late to enter. its 11:00 p.m. here is ca. have a great weekend.

Linda said...

What a sweet giveaway! I've been so enjoying all the Valentine images and projects!

Lynn Stevens said...

How adorable, such a sweet treat for valentines day!

SuZeQ said...

Ohhhhhh such lovelies ... please put my name in the hopper.

Jennifer Pearson Vanier said...

I love the goodies and your mother daughter blog. My mom and I used to do a whole lot together too.

JaneT said...

Any one of these would be wonderful to win. Thanks for the opportunity.

nancarts said...

Hello! Just found your blog and became a follower immediately! Love all your give aways, they are so adorable! Please include me in your give away. I would be so happy to receive any of these!
Smiles and Blessings,
Nancy C

Chani said...

Congrats! I'm happy I found your beautiful blog and the things you made are so cute!
Love, Chani

lise said...

I just found you and don't want to leave!
How cute your items are and the giveaway

Anonymous said...

beautiful items - and would look so lovely here.

Pattyjo said...

What a fantastic blog candy for someone...hope its me. LOL

Susan said...

Congratulations on your 400th post. I am a new blogger and just now getting around to see your beautiful blog............I hope I hope I win the give away! I would be so lucky to have such beautiful items!!

Candy said...

Just popped over from the Feathered Nest where she is cheep,cheeping about your giveaway. Precious indeed and I would sure like to be counted in.
Congrats on 400...and counting!

KV Creative Designs said...

Congrats on 400!! Such fun items! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

Artful Blessings,

P.S. I am having a giveaway on my blog as part of the O.W.O.H. blog event! Come see me!!!

Deb said...

Congrats on 400 posts! I love your Valentine Theme giveaway. The vintage valentines are precious! I followed a link from Dawn's blog and I'm so happy I did:)

Theory said...

Congradulation on your 400 blog, that is wonderful. Love your valentine and giveaways please enter me in the giveaway too. I's great to find you guys. Best Wishes & Hugs Theory a country gal in Iowa

VintageCrafter said...

This is my first time on your wonderful blog! It will not be my last! Congratulations on your 400th post! Please count me in for your wonderful giveaway.

black eyed susans kitchen said...

400 posts? Now you are just leaving us all behind. I am honestly impressed and will be back to read more!!

luverlie said...

Congratulations on 400 posts. Your giveaway is fab! Please include me.

ImagiMeri said...

I'd love to win this giveaway, count me in.......the stuffed heart is really cute!


Nelly said...

Congratulations on yor 400th post!! Glad I've found your blog. You girls have a very nice blog and are apparently extremely talented. Love all the goodies in your giveaway. Thanks for offering it.

redesigned said...

Congrats on your 400th posts!
Please enter me to win your giveaway!

Thanks, Christine

Brenda said...

What a pretty blog you have. Please enter me in your give away! I just joined as a follower!

greta said...

WOW!!! 400 posts and I just found you. What a talented person you are. I just had to push that "follow" button. Great giveaway- count me in please. Good luck on your next 400 posts!

mustard seeds said...

Please enter my name in the drawing. I love the potion bottle

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your pretty blog! 400 posts and I just discovered- can't believe it!

Would love to be entered in the sweet giveaway!

Dapoppins said...

sweet valentine goodness!