Sunday, December 13, 2009

Vintage Cards and Info about a Design Team Call!

Hello Friends,
We are having such fun sharing our favorite vintage Christmas cards!
Today I wanted to share this cute little snowman which I love so much! His smile makes me so happy!

I also wanted to share this vintage Snowman card. I recently used this card for a tag swap hosted by Elizabeth of Creative Breathing.

We recently found out about a new challenge blog coming soon! Julie of Julie's Open Window is having a Design Team call right now for the blog and thought we would share the info about the call with you if you are interested!

DeSiGn TeAm CaLL......

There is always something new going on and
now we are looking for some new designers with a vintage edge.
Are you a vintage girl or guy?
If so, then we want to hear from you!

We are looking for designers who would like to participate
in a brand new challenge

beginning in January 2010 which
focuses on a style reflecting pre-1975.

Call it it retro...are we calling YOU?!?

Here is all you need to do:

Send Julie an email with your name and blog link.

If you would like, you can send up to 3 JPEG files
of favorite projects

you have done which reflect your vintage-style.

Send a list of any online galleries you participate in
such as Splitcoast, Graphic45, The Play Date Cafe, etc.

and please let her know if you have been or are
currently on any other design teams.

She is asking for a 6 month commitment to the team
contributing one project per week

with possible hosting once per month.


Deadline for design team submissions is Sunday, Dec 20th.

We welcome designers from all over the world!

We hope you are having a wonderful weekend! Lindsey and Twyla


  1. Thanks for the FABULOUS images, ladies--and for re-posting about the DT call--very appreciated!

    Hope you're having a wonderful night!

  2. Oh my! That second card is perfect for Bobby, Micah and me! Thanks! ♥

  3. I have really enjoyed catching up with all the wonderful ideas you have shared over the past few posts. I feel like I am bursting with inspiration and wish so much I had some time to try them all out. I don't know about you but this Christmas seems to have come so much more quickly than other years! The vintage cards that belonged to your Grandmother Opal are so beautiful. What a lovely collection. I love the cute yarn ball garland and the sugar kissed pin cushion is adorable.

  4. Good Morning girls :)
    Thank you so much for the wonderful vintage card images!!! I have really been enjoying them. I have saved each one of them and can't wait to use them in a project or two. I had not planned on making my Christmas cards this year however the image of the three little snowman is perfect for my family!!! Thank you for sharing :)

  5. I am completely addicted to vintage cards & you ladies are my suppliers!! LOL!!
    There is just something about them.....
    Merry Christmas!

  6. Hi Twyla:
    Love your little snowmen. They're so cute.

    The challenge sounds like an exciting proposition for you and the other vintage-y girls and guys! While I am 'personally' approaching vintage, most of my look and projects are not what I would refer to as retro. I'm going to look forward to seeing what comes out of the call.

    Have a great Sunday!

  7. I always enjoy seeing your vintage cards! Thanks for posting them~

  8. I just love your blog and am so glad I have gotten to know you are a 'peach' for sharing our design team call and I look forward to hearing from some of your talented followers!

  9. I love the vintage cards, the snowman is so cute!

  10. Wow what lovely cards!
    I love Vintage Christmas Stuff, I managed to get some gorgeous vintage gift wrap at the vintage and handmade fair xxx

  11. no... not a 70's girl... more of a 50's or maybe a 60's... never could deal with polyester! ;)

    Thanks for visiting, commenting, following and/or blogging about my 300th post giveaway! Good Luck!

    Blessing. Dixie

  12. Thanks for the vistit, what a great blog you to have, I will be back for visits!!!!

  13. Fabulous images once again. Thank you ever so much for sharing. We so much appreciate it.

  14. Vintage images...what does that say about so remember many of these...ok, it is possible they were in my Mammy's little box of goodies..still pleasant memories flood back in....
    thanks for that..
    blessings madame samm

  15. Love the vintage images! You guys always have such cute goodies to share!

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Thank you so much for leaving us a comment! We LOVE each and every one!