Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Barbie Wednesday

Hello Today! It's time for another Barbie Wednesday! Today I wanted to show my great flea market find!

This is the new Bathing Suit Barbie that Mattel released a few months ago. She is supposed to be today's version of the famous number 1 original with her black and white striped bathing suit!

I planned on buying her at Wal Mart but I happened upon her the other day at a flea market! For a great deal! I am very pleased to add her to my collection.
I can't help but look at the two and see how classy and elegant the original Barbie was compared to how cutesy the new version is.

Every year I get very excited for the beginning of July! Not because of Independence day but because of the release of this years Hallmark ornaments! It's always a fun time for Mom and I to go pick out which ones we plan on getting! My favorite are always the Barbie ornaments! What else could you put on a 7 foot pink Christmas tree?!
Here are photos of the new Barbie ornaments this year!
I love this one! Wow! She is quite lovely!!!!!!!!!!

The shoe is too cute and I would enjoy it all year long!

This one's really neat! An original 1961 Ken doll in his box!

A lovely ornament of a Silkstone Barbie!

The ornament for the Holiday Barbie. The doll is already at Wal Mart!

This ornament is of Barbie's beautiful vintage outfits!

Thanks for dropping by today, Lindsey


  1. gorgeous! the make up on the barbies of today is truly a work of art! great post!

  2. Hi Lindsey,
    I love when the Hallmark ornaments come out too. I have bought the Son and Daughter ones every year since my children were born. I also have done the Mary's Angel series for years. I hope you are having a good week.

  3. How frustrating the pictures won't load on my PC, I'll have to hop over to the Hallmark website although that can be torturous too as you can't get them in the UK!

    Victoria xx

  4. Wow, it was only released a few months ago but it was already at the flea market? I wonder what gives... Well, glad you got her! There was more of an elegnace back in the day- wasn't there? I like cute though. ☺

    The links were broken on the Halmark pics. I'll try again later. ♥

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I am going to an auction on Saturday and I saw that they had some Barbie booklets that will be on the auction block. The link to their site is If you are interested in these items email me and I can try to bid on them for you, plus this auction is taking some bids online so I suppose you could bid yourself. When I saw those listed I thought of you. Let me know.

  7. I am ooohhhing and ahhhhhing! Love to see what's new...and vintage finds, too! Great post! HAVE FUN!

  8. i love that first barbie you showed and so wish i had a bod like hers to wear that cute bikini!! hehehe!

  9. Hi Lindsey! I love the barbie in the bikini, I'll have to keep an eye out for that one. I haven't seen it here yet...hmmmm? I collect the hallmark ornies too but mostly the ones pertaining to candy, cookies, gingerbread etc.. for our candy tree. have a lovely day!! Hugs, Jennifer

  10. Hi! I can't see all of the pictures, either - but I love your new Barbie - and I know exactly what you mean about the Hallmark ornaments! I don't have that many, but I do TRY to get the ones with vintage clothing or accessories. Barbie trees are so much fun!

  11. Hi Lindsey
    I agree with you that the original Barbie looks far more elegant. I wonder if in 50 years there will be another Bathing Suit Barbie and how different she will look by then.
    Thanks for sharing this years cute ornaments too.

  12. The new Barbie is cute, but I agree with you that she is not as elegant as the original Barbie. I do love her tote and wish I had a big one like it.I had forgotten about the Hallmark ornaments coming out this month. I always love to look at all the beautiful ornies they come up with. Thanks for sharing!
    Blessings, Sarita

  13. Woo Hoo! Barbie sure knows how to "work it" in that stripey bathing suit! LOL! Great post, again! :)

  14. Hi Ladies! I left you an award at my blog, come pick it up!! hugs, Jennifer

  15. I've enjoyed looking thru your barbie posts. I didn't know they made a lot of these.. this "new" black and white suit Barbie is really cute!
    I'm still trying to land the Timeless Treasure GWTW Barbie, esp. the bbq dress one.

    Have you seen these pics on flickr? She looks so much like Barbie, it's so cool. I'd like to try the makeup some time!


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