This Mother's Day was sweet. Just me and my kids spending the day together at Silver Dollar City. Hubby is stuck at home right now because he is recuperating from a torn achilles tendon. Before we left I was treated to some lovely gifts. Lindsey made me this beautiful scrapbook that spells out my name.
It is just awaiting the pictures. She says that anyone can create an album by spelling out any name or word you want. They have all the letters in all sizes at the Scrap Nook. She really customized this book to my taste. Blue is my favorite color.
I also got some lovely plants. Isn't this begonia gorgeous?
This succulant is one of the prettiest I've ever seen and I think maybe even I can keep it alive. Jordan also got me a pretty african violet.
Lindsey really surprised me with this adorable planter. Isn't it precious?
It is hard these days to get in the treasure hunting because Lindsey now works sometimes on Saturdays. She didn't have to be there until 2:00 last weekend so we managed to get in a couple of antique stores.
This little planter was a favorite find and I'm always on the lookout for tea trivets. This one is hand painted and was made by Lefton.
I haven't shown many things that I've been making lately. One of the reasons is that it's been so rainy it's hard to get good pictures. I am going to devote a post soon to some of the things I've been making.
I found a pattern for this little fellow and my son wanted me to make one. His name is Rudy the Rectangle. He was really easy. I didn't even use the pattern except to see how big to make him.
Rudy and I wish you all much happiness! Twyla
I'm late, but I loved the Mother's Day post The morning glory card is so sweet. I wrote a story about a morning glory incident and if I find my extra copies I will send you one. I wrote it a long time ago before I got this computer, so I don't have a stored file.The lady who wanted to meet Lindsey was the neatest story! Glad the scrapbook store is agreeing with her. Loved all your gifts and finds. I am collecting baby planters, too. The scrapbook was out of this world! Love to all, Sarita
HI Twyla,
I love the album that Lindsey made you, the colors are georgeous. And begonias are one of my favorite flowers. They seem so fragile to me, every time I plant them I end up breaking part of the plant off. I am glad you had a good Mother's Day, you deserve it!
Twyla,I love the ablum,flowers,It is all so beautiful.Hope you have a great day! Blessings, Faye
What a neat album, Twyla! So I guess each page is bigger than the one before it?
Rudy the rectangle is cute! I don't think I ever told you but when Caleb was still at home, he would crotche. He taught Micah how too but yet I don't know how! ♥
Hi Twyla...
So good to know that your Mother's Day was special 'n happy... your kids gave you some lovely gifts!
I really like the newest baby planter with the little flower wheels... how cute! I'm glad you 'n Lindsey were able to get out together for awhile... Your latest creation, "Rudy", is adorable... Looking forward to seeing the other things you've made. I'm praying for a speedy recovery for your husband, and hope he's not in too much pain... Have a Beautiful day!
~hugs 'n prayers~
Hi Twyla! I'm so glad you had a nice Mother's Day. Me too! All your goodies are great.
My son is looking for a job now. Younger son has one that is in the evenings. He's working backstage at a play. It's all definitely going to change our routines.
Things change...
I LOVE your tea trivet, and the little bear planter - but oh, my gosh - how completely perfect that little "Mother" planter was for you on Mother's Day! I have never seen one like that, it certainly was the ideal gift! It is , indeed precious.
Good job, Lindsey!
I love that "Mother" planter so much! And the succulent. I've never seen one like that. It's nice that your children know exactly what you like! Rudy is adorable too!
Good morning Twyla! I saw you pop over to say hello to me as I was writing. It seems we are very much alike. We both love blue, and because of you, planters, our families, and best of all, thrifting! I always look forward to Tuesdays! Elizabeth
The scrapbook is wonderful! I know you are pleased to have such a sweet daughter! I always love to see what the two of you find together! Always something special!
So glad to hear you had a nice Mother's Day, Twyla. I hope your hubby is feeling better real soon. What beautiful gifts both of your kids gave to you. The album that Lindsey made is really special and I love the colors too.
The scrapbook Lindsey made is so nice! I bet she loves working at a scrapbook store.....I know I would! The flowers are gorgeous as is the planter. I'm glad you had a great day with the kids and I hope your husband feels better soon!
Hi Twyla,
Oh...the album is awesome and Love it. Lindsey did a great job. Is she going to sell them? The plants are pretty. I'm glad your day was special...just like you!!
Can't wait to see what you have been creating! Rudy is a riot!!
Deb :)
Rudy the rectangle is awesome!!!...I love when you both go shopping, you come back with the neatest stuff to show us...By the way, my dress form doesn't have a name yet but I wish I had her fiqure....LOL!Have a great evening. Hugs, Jennifer
Beautiful album and other gifts, sounds like it was a very special mother's day for a special woman - YOU!!
Twyla, I absolutely love what Lindsey made for you! I would rather have something my children made for me anyday over something that was bought - even though those kind of presents can be nice too! My son was always my antique buddy - I guess that I will have to get used to doing it by myself for awhile.
I appreciate more than you know all of your kind words and encouragement!
I have cried and smiled alot since starting my blog! Thanks for being such a blessing to me!
Hugs, Cindy
Oh Twyla ~ that album that Lindsey made you is beautiful...she is quite talented! Your flowers are beautiful too!
Glad you were able to shop a little with Lindsey!
Hi Twyla
I loved seeing your wonderful gifts. The scrapbook Lindsey made is gorgeous. I love Rudy the rectangle too. He is really cute.
Thanks for sharing your goodies.
Sounds like you had a lovely Mother's Day! That scrapbook that Lindsey made is adorable! :)
It sounds like you've got some fabulous kids there!
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