Every now and then some one will ask me where do I store my Barbie's. I never have a really good answer to that. I don't have my entire collection in just one place.
I have them separated between my bedroom and my craft room. I used to keep them all together in the craft room but the space just wasn't big enough.
Now I have my most special items in my room. I have cases on my bookcase and a house on top of my dresser. Their are just boxes here, there, and everywhere!
Since my favorite pieces to collect besides the dolls are the houses and cases, I have a much harder time finding room for it all. Let me tell you they take up a lot of room!!!!!
I hope and plan to some day have a whole room to devote to just my Barbie collection.
Until then I just enjoy and rotate my collection around as much as I can so that I can see it all!
I am really lucky to have the collection that I do! I enjoy it and I enjoy sharing it with everyone here on our blog.
If you can believe it, I think I am running out of things to show you as far as my own personal collection. It's been almost a year now that I have been showing off my collection. On June 10, it will be one year!
Not that I am saying I will stop doing Barbie Wednesday but it is starting to become a struggle with remembering what is left that I haven't shown!

Someday I want my room to look like this! I can't imagine having a collection that looks like this but you never know! I just love how this display looks. It takes your breath away right? :)
If you can believe it, I think I am running out of things to show you as far as my own personal collection. It's been almost a year now that I have been showing off my collection. On June 10, it will be one year!
Not that I am saying I will stop doing Barbie Wednesday but it is starting to become a struggle with remembering what is left that I haven't shown!
Someday I want my room to look like this! I can't imagine having a collection that looks like this but you never know! I just love how this display looks. It takes your breath away right? :)
And of course I would like to say that if any of you have a Barbie that you would like to share that you are welcome to grab my banner and you use it for your own Barbie post! I would love to see them!
Wishing you fun, Lindsey
This is awsom.I love barbies.I do not think you ever get to old for them! Blessings, Faye
I do have a doll room but I am running out of space in there! I enjoy all your Barbie dolls and extras so I hope you keep on finding something to show us!
God bless - Sarita
WOW!!! You don't need a spare room - you need a spare state! xxxx
Good morning, Lindsey! ♥
Well, since I'm one of those girls who asked where you keep everything- thanks for answering! ☺
I've never even come close to having such a large collection of anything! It must be a lot of fun. ♥ Wish you could have that doll room now but until then- have you considered the ceiling?
~ wink ~
It's Barbie World!!!
If you're coming to the end of showing us your personal collection you'll just have to buy more to add to it!!!
Victoria xx
Oh, Lindsey - I am just so unbelievably envious of your fabulous collection. I am just sitting here clicking and reclicking on the pictures to make them bigger and study every detail. Wow.
Seriously - I can't stand it! My envy is making me crazy. Your collection astounds and delights me.
Hi Lindsey, Thank you for letting us use your banner to be part of your Barbie Wednesday's. I love this!!! I did use the banner and I have pictures up of mine too! I love all your barbies, I remember playing with the little barbies when I was a child how cool!!! and you have sooooo many of them too!! Have a great Barbie Wednesday! Hugs, Jennifer
i dont know about a room, you need a house for all those barbies ;-)
i dont know how you managed to find them all!
Rose XXX
I think instead of a Barbie room you need a whole Barbie house : ) It is fun to see your collection. I hope you have a good week.
Your Barbie Collection, is a
Barbie collector's dream!
I wouldn't mind seeing the same
Barbie from your colletion twice.
Hi Lindsey
I always love seeing your collection. You must continue with your posts, don't worry about repeating things. I wish I had a room just for my collection of Sindys. Perhaps we should start our own doll museum between us?!!!!
I love the Barbie boat and all your cases. My favorites are my houses too and all the horsey things that Sindy had. One day when I can get to my collection I will have to have Sindy Sunday or something! Your collection is amazing. Thanks for sharing it with us every week.
wow - what an amazing collection. loved looking through your blog tonight. keep in touch and stop by my blog if you have time at
I hope you will continue showing us your collection! I don't mind seeing a photo again or you could feature one doll each week! I just LOVE seeing them all! And appreciate all the wonderful info you pass on! Thank you, sweet friends!
Wow Lindsey, It is amazing to see your collection all together! I saw a white furniture piece on top of the big house that was a set I had. How fun to see it again! Great post, you could always have Scrapbook Thursdays and teach us how to make beautiful pages! E
Wow!!! That is some collection you've got there! You really do need a whole room devoted to your Barbie stuff, don't you!?
Found you by surfing late at night. .. I just have to say my 5 yr old dd would be in heaven turned loose in your home... I don't think we would see her for days... she may fall asleep but would not surface for food but maybe for a play partner. :)
Even at the advanced age of 5, just turned, she has started on quite the collection for herself.
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