Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May Issue of Create!

Hello friends!
Wow can you believe it's May already?
This year is just flying by. I've been spending a lot of time in my craft room this year. Working on projects for Scrapbook Generation's Create magazine and designing cards for classes and kits.
The May issue of Create magazine is ready and available to read and download!
I think this is my favorite issue so far. I had so much fun creating for this issue and using supplies from our featured manufacturer, Simple Stories.
As always this magazine is free and full of inspirational articles and ideas.
Wishing you such a lovely day, Lindsey

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  1. Yipppeeeee, I love this magazine:) Thank you for sharing it with me! Enjoy your week dear friend, HUGS!

  2. Hi Lindsey and Twyla!
    Wow, I haven't been to leave a message in forever....pop in see ya all, but helpin Mom and Dad...no time for stop. Today I made some time..finally. Wow, you all have been busy. I can't wait to check out this edition.
    Hey link in over at my Rednesaday Wednesday Party!


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