Monday, February 10, 2014

February Issue of Create Magazine!

Hello dear friends!
The second issue of Create magazine that I am so thrilled to design for is ready to view and download. This free magazine has over 200 pages of papercrafting awesomeness.
The magazine focuses on sketches -- providing four free layout, card, and tag sketches designed by Allison Davis and Debbie Sanders each month -- but there is so much more!
CREATE features a different manufacturer's design team every month. For February, the My Mind's Eye design team has created lovely layouts, cards, and tags using the SG sketches.

Wishing you a lovely day, Lindsey

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  1. I can't wait to dig into the new edition:) Thanks for sharing it with me AND for that precious Valentine! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. Very cool, Lindsey!
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Thank you, Twyla for the sweet comment on my baptism post!


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