Thursday, August 1, 2013

Washi Confession

Hello friends!
I have a little confession to make!
I am addicted to washi tape!
Isn't it pretty?!
I haven't used a lot of it, but
that doesn't stop me from buying
more!  Craft supplies are a weakness
of mine.
I am joining Blogalong with Effy
and doing a post a day during the month
of August.

"I have treasured the words of His mouth
More than my necessary food." - Job 23:12
Have a lovely day!

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  1. They are all so pretty! I'm sure you will find some fun uses for them as we inch closer to all the fall and winter holidays.

  2. Beautiful collection of tapes..I am like you and can not get enough of this fantastic many colors and designs. Thanks for sharing today!!

  3. Oh, I am addicted and love them, too!! You can never have too many of those pretties!! Have a lovely weekend! xo Heather

  4. Love those colorful tapes:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  5. It really is pretty out on display! I don't have any but I know I must 'need' some. Where is the best place to buy it? Sweet hugs!

  6. I have yet to buy or use any! But then again, I've been trying to stay OUT of the craft store lately as we tighten up our budget! That's why I'm doing so many projects right now- using what I have on hand. :)

    I look forward to reading your posts! ♥

  7. I share your addiction! I have so many rolls of washi tape! I love how you are storing yours. I need to start some projects with the intent of using some of mine before the collection gets completely out of control!

  8. These are so pretty. What kind of things do you do with this, Twyla?

  9. How pretty! I've never heard of washi tape before. Now I've got to go find out about it. I hope you'll post your projects with it.


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